Example sentences of "would [be] given [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Other organisations , including the Woodcraft Folk , religious youth groups and the youth group attached to the Red Cross , would have to apply for funding which would be given at the council 's discretion .
2 Once a CFE treaty was signed talks should begin to build on additional measures including ones to limit manpower in Europe ; a commitment would be given at the time of signature of the CFE treaty concerning the manpower levels of a unified Germany .
3 Responsibility for the Sex Discrimination Act , the Equal Pay Act and the Equal Opportunities Commission would be given to the Women 's Ministry .
4 Putting to one side the other inequities associated with such a system should it be introduced , I hope due consideration would be given to the problems of the disabled .
5 Credibility would be given to the shop steward 's story by having his lunch box placed in an unauthorised position on the assembly track from which the foreman would have to remove it , and be seen doing so .
6 If not enough for all , it would be given to the children first .
7 In the Offer for Sale document published at the time of the Company 's flotation in 1986 , it was stated that in due course consideration would be given to the introduction of a Share Option Scheme for Executive Directors and senior management but that no such scheme would be operated without the prior approval of shareholders and in any event not before 1988 at the earliest .
8 It said that the governors ‘ do not see the immediate necessity for applying to the Crown for a Royal Charter to be granted to this Institution ’ but that ‘ every facility ’ would be given to the veterinary surgeons ‘ for procuring an Act of Parliament to prevent certain grievances complained of by the Memorial , which could not be relieved by a Charter ’ .
9 It would be reasonable to assume , therefore , that particular attention would be given to the incorporation of such knowledge in the development of handwriting recognition systems .
10 Seth promised that the casket would be given to the person who fitted inside it perfectly .
11 More brilliance still would be given to the tune if the trumpets doubled the trombone at the octave above .
12 Similar consideration would be given to the housing proposal .
13 Similarly , it was announced that from Nov. 1 encouragement would be given to the private development and management of industrial estates , activities hitherto restricted to state agencies .
14 Priority in development spending would be given to the health services , with the aim of achieving an equitable distribution of facilities throughout the country .
15 Priority would be given to the needs of Ethiopian and Somali refugees .
16 A demonstration in Tirana , the capital , on Jan. 17 , by 20,000 supporters of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Albania ( UITUA ) , was reportedly followed by a meeting on Jan. 18 between union officials and Prime Minister Vilson Ahmeti , and by promises from Ahmeti that wages would be inflation-adjusted and that social assistance would be given to the unemployed .
17 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
18 The hearing took two days , at the end of which the justices announced that the decision and reasons for decision would be given on the following morning .
19 Thus , where a husband leaves the matrimonial home while still owning it , the usual capital gains tax exemption or relief for a taxpayer 's only or main residence would be given on the subsequent transfer to the wife , provided she has continued to live in the house and the husband has not elected that some other house should be treated for capital gains tax purposes as his main residence for this period .
20 Ministry of Labour spokesman Avar Arpad said evaluation would take two weeks and that no information would be given in the interim .
21 Very generous financial assistance would be given by the Government , in the form of a grant of up to thirty per cent of capital and remission of all taxation on export sales for ten years .
22 When the refugees landed in Havana , they would be given by the Hamburg-Amerika line a receipt for the unused part of the fare .
23 General guidelines would be given by the European Council ; the Council of Ministers would take such decisions unanimously but define matters where a qualified majority could be used .
24 Thus for a bond issued on 1 January , 1990 , the base for indexing would be given by the level of the RPI in April , 1989 ; the uplift for capital value in January of each subsequent year would depend on the change in the RPI to April of the preceding year and all sums paid in interest would depend on the level of the RPI eight months before the payment date .
25 Instruction would be given by the librarian and the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theory and should be tied to specific project work .
26 It was held that relief would be given against the defendant even though he was a third party .
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