Example sentences of "would [be] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd be sending for the police .
2 You know , if we were in Malaysia , we 'd be hanging from the light fittings for this . ’
3 If I was 12 years old I 'd be squealing in the stalls as well .
4 I mean , personally I do n't think Terry 's very good at interviews , I think I 'd be flying in the face of public opinion if I said he was .
5 Every evening there 'd be jostling in the Praça to get the nearest pitch to one of the big sets .
6 ‘ Ampwise , ’ suggests Martin , ‘ you 'd be looking at the Ampeg SVT II head at £1595 and 8x10 cab at £880 .
7 you would , huh , you 'd be looking at the clock , I know you well enough for that now dear
8 ‘ I think if you asked most players in England if they 'd like to swap places with me they 'd be jumping over the top of each other to do it .
9 So I knew this would come up but I did n't realize he 'd be jumping onto the bandwagon that quick .
10 ‘ I never thought I 'd be seeing in the New Year with Will Carling and company in Lanzarote .
11 But she must ask ; beg even , or he 'd be knocking on the kitchen door at Jarman House , asking the Lord knew what favours .
12 she 'd be climbing in the inside of it and ripping it
13 When he woke up , he 'd be lying on the floor of the boozer , and Sergeant Lawrence would be lifting him to his feet , dragging him outside to the panda car .
14 ‘ When I told Blixa I 'd be playing on the LP , his response was , ‘ Oh good — less work for me to do ! ’
15 Perdita , covering the bottom of the lorries with straw to protect the ponies ' feet , suddenly heard Alejandro shouting that she better dig out a pair of clean breeches and polish her boots , as she 'd be playing in the match that afternoon .
16 And we 'd be talking about the kinds of things which were brought out in the structural report I think there .
17 He said after Silverstone he 'd be retiring at the end of the season .
18 And she 'd be sitting on the edge of her chair with a smile stitched to her face as she willed the rest of the party to get a move-on so she could go and make sure Camille was home and safe .
19 and it was like standing , and you 'd be sitting on the steps
20 you said that you 'd be sitting round the fire , but wh when you were when you were in your own house
21 Though second at the first GP , his subsequent results did n't seem to suggest he 'd be fighting for the title .
22 And er if it suited then if you a young chap when they first started for a year or so you 'd be working with the cattle and himself , the boss , would be working the horse with a horseman .
23 ‘ I was afraid you 'd be waiting on the doorstep .
24 ‘ I know , but she phoned for her results — she was surprised to get me , she seemed to have hoped you 'd be waiting by the phone — and when I told them you 'd gone , her mother took the phone and was in quite a tizz and had a word with Mr Fry and then said they 'd get the next plane home .
25 I 'd be owing to the stage Mike !
26 She was smiling a pleased smile , and working things out ; I think it must have been the afternoon ( the only time she visited my primary school ) she was told that I 'd be going into the eleven-plus class and so ( because everyone in the class passed the exam ) would be going to grammar school .
27 Oh I know but , if I was getting studio time there 's no way I 'd be going through the
28 I mean we all know it , and we all know there 's a lot on this list which are most unpalatable , and they 're only there because we 've been set the task of reaching a particular sum of money , and er , if we had the choice we 'd be going in the reverse direction , and , and adding .
29 She still had n't admitted to the other woman that she was n't at all sure she 'd be returning to the music business .
30 She 'd be checking under the bed next !
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