Example sentences of "would [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Carshes did n't like tractors , them big frightening things , you know , did n't like tractors , and erm I 'd be called out in the field then
2 They 'd be taken up in a trainer plane by a pilot who had survived the Battle of Britain and , as Len put it , was zonked out with combat .
3 Then , as he opened the door , she 'd be picked up in a big hug .
4 ‘ — we 'd be carried around in his pocket , ’ said Masklin .
5 To be sure , the last page of the last chapter had not been written at the death of the last apostle any more than it had at the death of the Messiah ; but , like him , the disciples enjoyed the characteristic gift of the end , the Holy Spirit whom the prophets knew would be poured out in the last days .
6 Before the start of the conference , the UK Agriculture Minister , John Gummer , announced that industrial dumping would be phased out in the UK by 1992 , except in the case of ICI and Sterling Organics ( responsible for 78 per cent of all industrial waste dumped in the North Sea ) which would be licensed to dump until 1993 .
7 Up to 21,000 reservists would be called up in a countrywide security crackdown , he said .
8 In the cyclic natural scheme of things some kind of decay is essential , otherwise not only would the earth be cluttered with the stems of most of the plants which have ever lived , but most of the world 's supply of carbon would be locked up in cellulose so that life could not be carried on .
9 ‘ If that delegation had got inside here the other day , you and I would be locked up in here , ’ said Nicholson .
10 A dramatic event would be played out in front of the class — for example a man would run in pursued by another .
11 So even if he believed that from an economic point of view the best decision would be to deny any recovery for emotional injury , he would still ask whether the role of law in encouraging reliance and coordination would be much damaged if he ignored the precedents , and , if it would , whether this loss would be made up in the gains he foresees from the change .
12 There case would be written up in medical journals ‘ because we have eliminated every other possible cause . ’
13 Not only was she too shaky on her feet , but by the sound of the storm raging outside anything thrown from the window would be hurled back in her face , courtesy of the wind .
14 Yet , given the rate of decline of house prices in the south over the last year , this deposit would be wiped out in just six months .
15 Tom King , then Local Government Minister , announced that no further geological investigations would be carried out in any of the selected areas .
16 Much of the work going on now in hospitals would be carried out in the community , she points out .
17 A ‘ rigorous reappraisal ’ would be carried out in the light of the latest theft .
18 As with fundholding the committees ' responsibilities would include collection and analysis of information , assessment of needs , service specification , negotiation and monitoring of contracts , all of which would be carried out in partnership with the purchasing authority .
19 Julie had bathed on the previous evening and in view of this and her discomfort it was agreed that shaving and skin preparation would be carried out in theatre .
20 Many small jobs for canal bank workers — mending scythes , making fence fittings and nails — would be carried out in the forge .
21 Structural reforms would be carried out in the planning , investment , finance , taxation , banking , price , supply , commerce , foreign trade and wage systems .
22 A spokeswoman said an investigation would be carried out in a bid to establish what had happened .
23 The Brady Plan ( devised by Nicholas Brady the US Treasury Secretary ) suggests that owed money could be reduced , and the remainder made into a more realistic secure loan that would be paid back in time .
24 They would be taken up in Eliot 's later prose .
25 Suppliers paying higher wages would be passed on in price increases .
26 The course content would be worked out in further consultation with Third World partners .
27 Nine would be set up in areas to be announced shortly .
28 But he did not dismiss the idea and added that a new committee would be set up in June 1995 to examine how far compliance with the code and the report 's other recommendations had progressed .
29 An investigations unit would be set up in London , staffed by reputable heavyweight journalists he had already selected .
30 Additionally the following measures were agreed : ( i ) that a joint working party would be set up , charged with defining " political offences in the South African situation " and with advising on " mechanisms for dealing with the release of political prisoners and the granting of immunity " ; ( ii ) that " temporary immunity from prosecution for political offences " would be considered as a matter of urgency for the ANC 's NEC members and others , to enable them to return to the country without fear of prosecution ; ( iii ) that the government would " review existing security legislation to bring it into line with the new dynamic situation developing in South Africa in order to ensure normal and free political activities " ; ( iv ) that the government would work towards the lifting of the state of emergency ; ( v ) that efficient channels of communication between the government and the ANC would be set up in order to curb violence and intimidation from whatever quarter .
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