Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be very carefully calculated and they 'd be given the right amount of the proteins that they could use to grow , because in the first years of life there 's very rapid growth and development is n't there ?
2 Paragraph three , the action plan , er well it will guide itself evidence this , the statements made under the action plan , from section three of the report will guide our activities over the next three years and of course paragraph four performance the critical success factors , by the seven criteria we will be judged in the highway service and each one is a challenge in its own right and I do hope to receive in order to carry out these er , these er promises in fact , that erm , I 'd be given the relevant level of financial staff and resources
3 If she 'd been on 4AD , she 'd be given the same amount of attention as the Muses , Pixies or Breeders .
4 Under the surface , just how much of the Sun 's object work is done in-house is apparently causing some consternation amongst some third party players who were under the impression that they 'd be getting a bigger slice of the development cake .
5 ‘ I thought you told me you 'd be getting a hundred guineas a time if you were a television personality , John ? ’ said Bob .
6 ‘ If you was her you 'd be getting the same treatment .
7 I told most of the young women on the telephone that I 'd be wearing a battered black hat , so that they could find me easily .
8 When he came home from college she 'd be reading The Catholic Mind .
9 She 'd be expecting a full report on Pierremont House and the dear little village , so quiet , so tasteful .
10 We 'd be fightin' a never-ending rearguard battle with those guys .
11 He 'd only got to be told by Charlie that he 'd be leaving the High Street by the bridge and walking along the local river . ’
12 Well that 's a , that 's a thing of that particular day , at that time th th and life erm and then they get what they call , they bought a steam hopper , so the steam hopper would say , could get to sea quicker in half the time the dumb hoppers could and so we were rotating all the time , there used to be one dumb hopper go to sea , one steam hopper and we 'd be loading the other dumb hopper and then th course the steam hopper would be back in half the time we 'd that and that 's how we rotate , day to day .
13 ‘ If you were going to use this , ’ Court observed , ‘ we 'd be having a different sort of conversation . ’
14 She would be bait , Zeno would be drawn , then Pascoe would appear with the gun and they 'd be asking a few hard questions .
15 The original objective was to liberate South Korea , it then began to unite Korea but if you raise the objective to an assault on China proper then , then you would have to quote General Ridgeway , who was a commander on the spot , er you 'd be fighting the wrong war , the wrong time and in the wrong place .
16 The original objective was to liberate South Korea , it then began to unite Korea but if you raise the objective to an assault on China proper then , then you would have to quote General Ridgeway , who was a commander on the spot , er you 'd be fighting the wrong war , the wrong time and in the wrong place .
17 If I were willing to unstitch the past I 'd be attempting the impossible . ’
18 If Vadinamia had the Fraxillian cylinder , it looked like I 'd be making a safe and secure pick-up .
19 ‘ Well , he was very good value and he likes the show , but he was very worried that we 'd be making the obvious sexy Cecil innuendos …
20 You 'd be working the top hard seam would you ?
21 ‘ At the moment , there 's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone , ’ said Harris quietly , ‘ and if I thought you were keen on any of the other men in this case , I 'd be saying the same thing about them . ’
22 In the old days they would be feeding the poor at the castle gate .
23 It was on the tip of his tongue to observe that Burun was no more or less trustworthy than he had ever been , but he realised suddenly that he would be stating the obvious .
24 And in a jiffy you would be in the garden , and in another jiffy you would be through the front gate , and in yet another jiffy you would be exploring the marvellous Forest of Sin all by yourself .
25 The statutes of Eurom , as the body would be known in abbreviation , stated that its main objective would be to represent the legal , social and cultural interests of the Europe 's 10,000,000 Romanies .
26 One possible solution would be to represent the relative influences of each analyser as a set of numerical weightings .
27 The first move of a Government committed to re-establishing full employment comprehensively would be to initiate a rolling programme of moving Civil Service jobs from areas of high employment , mainly in the South , to those of high unemployment , predominantly in the North .
28 Bukharin rejected this since he argued that to do so would be to disregard the historical character of the dictatorship of the proletariat .
29 One way would be to form a holding company to which both banks would issue shares in proportion to their shareholders ' funds .
30 To call this a ‘ life ’ cycle would be to beg an important question , but it is a cycle of a sort , and it shares with true life cycles the ability to initiate cumulative selection .
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