Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 6 assorted jars of chutney , unused ( I do n't know about you but I seem to accumulate chutney , pickles , lemon curd , etc. , faster than I can demolish it and rather than throw it away when useless , I 'd prefer to give it a good home — the best way of all is to sneak the jars into the National Trust shop at your local Hall or Towers and leave them among the chutneys already there )
2 My analysis of the situation would be very favourable to them , but they 'd need to offer me a 50,000-acre country estate and the Chancellorship . ’
3 Well looking at that I would n't I 'd like to leave it a wee while my options open because in the in the
4 If you know a little about cancer , feel you could cope with all the emotions involved , and you 'd like to give them a hand , then Carol would love to hear from you .
5 Erm you mentioned your brother earlier and er Geoff from the sports and social club I 'd like to give them a call , do you have the numbers ?
6 So if anybody does patchwork knitting or makes blankets or anything for charity and they 'd like to give me a ring any time , I could give you the pattern .
7 ‘ If you 'd like to give me a paper to sign saying how much I owe you , ’ she said briskly , ‘ the moment I get home I 'll make arrangements to have the money paid into your account . ’
8 Well it 's one of the talking points this morning , if you 'd like to give me a call .
9 Eleven minutes to six is the time , and if you 'd like to give me a ring on any of the subjects I 've mentioned , then it 's .
10 As I say , contrasting views on that story , and er if you 'd like to give me a ring with your view , then it 's very , very welcome .
11 Well , a lot of er talkers there , and er , if you 'd like to give me a ring , it 's .
12 Rob morning Twenty one minutes to six the time , if you 'd like to give me an early ring , then it 's .
13 I 'd like to give her a ring if I may ? ’
14 Léonie said to Rose : I 'd like to give you a hand .
15 I thought I 'd like to give you a little memento . ’
16 ‘ I do n't think I 'd like to give you a general answer .
17 I would like to say that we should be concentrating on traffic management schemes which included traffic calming and take this I 'd like to give you a few examples .
18 I 'd like to wish you every success in this venture .
19 Who 'd like to ask me a question ?
20 ‘ I 'd like to ask you a few questions , Miss Cassidy ? ’
21 ‘ Miss Fraser , I 'd like to ask you a few questions if I may . ’
22 Well , if I erm said to one of my students something about that was a very good essay you wrote , in fact I 'd like to discuss it a little bit more down at the pub and down at the pub I put my hand on his knee perhaps in making a point about how good his essay was .
23 What we were talking about , or what I think is interesting is your experience from your early days in horse shoeing has stood you in good stead for the revival of interest in driving erm if you 'd like to tell us a bit more about that I 'd love to hear it cos I 'm never tired of that .
24 ‘ I 'd like to tell you a story .
25 Erm I 'd like to tell you a story about a vision of Ministry in East Wales .
26 He even suggested maybe I 'd like to show him the cut .
27 If … if there 's time , I 'd like to show you the new salon in Albemarle Street . ’
28 Plus Thomas 's wedding an'all and I 'd like to buy him a decent present like considering His flat 's nice .
29 Perhaps you 'd like to buy us a drink … ’
30 You do n't , I mean I 'd like to win it every bloody week but , I 'd be chuffed .
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