Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know you 'd prefer to do it on your own , but it 's obvious you ca n't .
2 ‘ I 'd 've given it to you ; I was n't holding out .
3 It 's interest-free , so I 'd expect to get it in eleven months and twenty-nine days from giving notice . ’
4 And erm these things used to used to sort of wind the r the the the spring or the leather thong around th top and start it off to spinning you know and then you 'd keep whipping it like that and you could make these things jump into the air , in fact a friend of mine was telling me , we were talking about it the other day .
5 Q I have recently dismantled a three foot community tank and I 'd like to use it in which to have a go at breeding Discus .
6 I 'd like to take it for a spin .
7 I 'd like to take it on holiday but how do I pack it without ruining the pleats ?
8 But I 'd like to see it for myself .
9 Yes I 'd like to see it for a day or two but not for a fortnight
10 We 're talking about a lot of money here , that has been spent , and has continued to be spent , and the sooner we get it sorted out the better , and I 'd like to see it on the agenda of the next budget review committee , which would prior to the policy committee , I believe next , and so we could perhaps augment er , Mr 's report with some findings of our own .
11 You must have a pre-arranged signal and I 'd like to see it in action . ’
12 Let's have a look at how you manage your time at the moment and how you 'd like to reorganize it for the future .
13 Well if you 'd like to keep it at that , that 's fine .
14 Well as I say I , I 'd like to run it past the accountant afterwards .
15 I 'd like to buy it from him someday . ’
16 And at the end of the evening he said , ‘ Give me your number , I 'd like to have it for the future . ’
17 ‘ We 'd like to make it before dark .
18 I 'd like to get it to a safe place .
19 I 'd hate to spoil it for you . ’
20 T. B. Bloody pest was stray animals , stray dogs — people would come up and say they 'd found a stray , and you 'd have to take it off them , take their name and address .
21 I said well if you got us a dog I 'd have to take it for a late night walk would n't I ?
22 ROS : No , I think you 'd have to lick it for me .
23 I got ta have now cos we 'd have stick it in my little book !
24 They 'd have heard it from Mary Donovan .
25 Well how can it , because it , it , I think it 's got to go through the thing here , if you see what I mean , it , it , the chop you 'd have to push it through a little bit and then have a ,
26 I 'd have done it with minimalist technology ; say , beans swelling in water and lifting a diaphragm and bare wire to a contact for the time-fuse .
27 I 'd have done it with an aeroplane but
28 He 'd have done it for anyone .
29 If she could have wiped his memory as well as her own , she 'd have done it without any hesitation , and at whatever cost .
30 think to myself well it 's six months I wish I 'd have done it in August , now .
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