Example sentences of "would [adv] [vb infin] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 Then there are batteries for when we 're stopped , but they 'd only last for forty-five minutes , eh ? , if we were n't plugged into the ground supply at a station .
2 Would gladly exchange for two white-mice .
3 I would not suggest for one moment that they existed here .
4 The unions said the minister promised them in a private April 19 meeting that the operator 's status would not budge for two years .
5 He grew dirtier than ever and often would not shave for three or four days together , till his jaw looked coated or grown over with yellow fungus or sprayed like a car with glistening tangerine .
6 In Mexico the moon covered the Sun for 6 minutes and 54 seconds ; the next comparable solar eclipse would not occur for 140 years .
7 While I would insist on the centrality of Noel Coward 's sexuality to the patterns of meanings that I see in Brief Encounter , I would not wish for one second to hold him up as any kind of gay martyr .
8 The sun would not rise for five hours yet .
9 But this would not happen for tens of thousands of years , because of the slowness of the upwelling currents .
10 Contracts would normally run for three years and applicants would be required to start as soon as possible .
11 That her job would n't start for three months suited her particularly well .
12 I mean you would n't you would n't think for one minute that Aunty Mary came from .
13 would n't go for three years for a grant and just
14 Okay , we we would n't settle for seven horses , then .
15 The sow 's natural instinct is to build a nest of grass and leaves in which to give birth and rear her young , which she would then suckle for three months .
16 I may moan about them — I reserve the right to criticise the team , but I would never wish for one of our players to get an injury — that is insane .
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