Example sentences of "would [verb] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I 'd need a little time .
2 I 'd like a short time on board before the start , if you would n't mind . ’
3 a long time it 'd take a long time .
4 They 'd take a long time to dry would n't they , then , on the sticks and that
5 We 'd have a good time . "
6 They 'd have a hard time proving that , I think , if they were interested in proof ; which I 'm not sure they are .
7 ‘ I thought she 'd have a rougher time than she did , unlike some team members who were like bulls at a gate .
8 He was hugely enthusiastic about this work and telephoned M. Chaillot , who said he was interested in principle but would need a little time to think about it .
9 An irritated Dutch official said : ‘ If the Danes can do it with a referendum by July , I do not see why the British would need a longer time . ’
10 Today , several men would spend a considerable time erecting steel scaffolding before such a job would be attempted .
11 If it is n't , say , ‘ I would like a little time to think about this , I need to get some facts and figures , I 'm sure you would n't wish me to give you incorrect information .
12 Defence counsel , Michael Parroy , said because Jones was a magistrate , he would face a tough time in jail .
13 And and would have a good time playing it , cos i There 's enough there , but it 's not you know
14 But with the size that the baby is already , it 's likely Greene would have a hard time getting her beyond thirty-eight weeks .
15 I think the NSF would have a hard time answering that question . ’
16 The judge told Cranog Jones that his plan had been ingenious , but warned him that as a magistrate , he would have a hard time in prison .
17 Now question is whether or not there is a simple ability to realise a capital receipt and use it I think , and if that were true , if what you 're saying is true and there was some net gain to be made very easily then I think we would have a hard time , perhaps , refusing what you 're saying .
18 It was urged that , if this construction were adopted , a solicitor would have a shorter time during which he may abstain from bringing his action for work done than the rest of Her Majesty 's subjects .
19 With the help of System Three Scotland we have developed the questionnaire which is attached and we would be very grateful if you would take a little time to complete it .
20 The second alternative would take a long time to achieve .
21 Then he would move to another par of the bed , away from the cold wet patch that would take a long time to dry and leave a stiff yellow stain on the mattress .
22 Most of these solutions would take a long time to implement .
23 The difficulty here is that this would take a long time to carry out , besides which , there is the problem of access .
24 Once food has cooled to 5°C or colder , if any food poisoning bacteria are present most will grow only very slowly and it would take a long time for them to reach large enough numbers to cause a problem .
25 The English host was able to cross unhindered , although it would take a long time to do so in its entirety .
26 Given the long times required to charge the larger rods , you can see that after getting a first qualitative result with the smallest rods within a few weeks , a proper quantitative analysis to test the variation with rod diameter and current , and so establish the nature of the effect would take a long time .
27 Starving the defenders out seemed to be the only course , and that would take a long time .
28 She helped me as much as she could , but I knew it would take a long time to reach Estella 's level .
29 This form of socialism , based upon the accountability of the state to society rather than vice versa , would take a long time to develop , but it was this form of socialism that supporters of perestroika hoped the Party Conference would develop further — as indeed it did .
30 However , he stressed that economic growth was still heavily dependent on continued flows of external assistance , since the programmes under way would take a long time to carry out .
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