Example sentences of "would [verb] [n mass] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd make $500,000 for every dollar the stock rises or $46m if the stock ever gets back to the $145 range .
2 Unfortunately , it is decided not to reveal the fact that Johnson is not dead in this video , as this would affect sales of the ten-album box set of his old songs , so Richards thumps him with a Gibson L5 and Johnson finally dies , leaving behind one last blues classic : ‘ Devil Dog On My Trail ’ .
3 Simon Fowler , Conservative candidate has expressed ‘ horror ’ over Labour 's ‘ half-baked ’ plans for a regional assembly in the North-East which he claims would strip people of the proposed single-tier authorities .
4 Simon Fowler , Conservative candidate has expressed ‘ horror ’ over Labour 's ‘ half-baked ’ plans for a regional assembly in the North-East which he claims would strip people of the proposed single-tier authorities .
5 That same Spirit , of course , empowered Jesus for his rich ministry and led John the Baptist to tell others of the One who would baptize people with the Holy Spirit and with ‘ fire ’ .
6 It was agreed at the meeting that MCC would contribute £25,000 towards a coaching trip to disadvantaged areas of south Africa by former West Indian batsman Conrad Hunte .
7 Coleridge and Wordsworth felt confident that the Monthly Magazine would give £5 for the poem , and they were already discussing details of the plot as they descended from the hills at West Quantoxhead .
8 A rate of exchange of £1 = $ 2.8 , for example , would give $2,800 for every £1,000 .
9 The only way I can describe this is to suggest that a normal 6ft putt on an average ‘ club green ’ would run 15ft for the players at the Masters this week .
10 ( i.e. From looking at the distribution it is possible to determine that setting a threshold score of 88 ( say ) would remove 30% of the target words from the lattice giving a lattice quality of Q70 )
11 They produced an analysis of some of the consequences of conventional quantum mechanics which they felt would convince people of the unsatisfactory nature of that theory .
12 He told me that he would donate £5,000 to the fund if I would undertake to invite his little son , then at school in Oxford , to tea on odd occasions , so that I could acquaint him with some of the matters relating to Judaism .
13 And if it were to invade Saudi Arabia , it would control 44% of the world 's oil reserves .
14 A two-person apartment in Elveden Forest would cost £137 for a weekend during most of January .
15 But to provide Childcare Cheques would cost £250,200 in the first year with on-going costs of £206,200 a year .
16 Mr Atkinson said the work would cost £60m over the first four years and between £11m and £15m over the next nine years .
17 Similarly it would cost $1,295 with the SCO , $995 with Next , $1,350 with IBM and $1,195 with HP .
18 That would suggest 25p on a bottle of spirits and 2p on a pint of beer .
19 A winning attitude would enable people in the same situation to think , ‘ Have n't I done well today ?
20 Removing the supports of these state agencies — the welfare net , subsidized public services — would face people with a ‘ reality test ’ : that if you do n't sweep floors eight hours a day , you wo n't have any money to live on .
21 Sunnyvale , California-based modems specialist Telebit Corp has firmed up its January agreement to acquire Octocom Systems Inc for 5m new shares : Telebit currently has about 7.5m shares outstanding so Octocom holders would have 40% of the enlarged firm on completion in May .
22 Enfield would produce 30% of the corporation 's needs for these modules , and the Singapore plant would produce the balance .
23 Johansson estimates that under such a plan Sweden would gain $40 for every tonne of carbon it does not produce that it would have produced under market forces alone .
24 The dispute , which has been simmering for years , came to the boil in April when Michael Harcourt , the province 's premier , revealed a scheme that would protect 33% of the region , permit limited logging in 17% , and open the rest to extensive ( although , at least in theory , well-managed ) timber harvesting .
25 ‘ People were saying they would pay £1.50 for a copy , ’ he said .
26 So for example , if the poverty line is 40 per cent of average income and 15 per cent of income is required to cover the provision of public sector goods and services , the implied tax rate on earned income for a social dividend at the poverty line is 55 per cent so that individuals would receive 45p of an additional £1 earned !
27 You could pick up a seat by knowing the right people , having gone to the right school or being thought to be worth a few thousand — almost the first question put to the prospective MP for Richmond , Sir George Harvie-Watt , when he went up before the local selection committee in 1937 was whether he would subscribe £700 to the local association .
28 I am however more bemused by the forecast made by Eastern Electricity that , and I quote : ‘ This would add 50p to the average household bill ’ .
29 Labour 's minimum wage proposal would add 10p to the price .
30 Whatever the ultimate effects of the present move to academic excellence and competition in our schools I would point people in the diocese to notice the serious cuts which are being made within other areas of education in both Cumbria and Lancashire — and especially , in this time of discussion about juvenile crime , in the County Youth Services .
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