Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 Soon this was to be entered and then only Tibet and Ethiopia would remain for a time unresponsive to European politics , ideas and technology .
2 It 's very small , only just room for the bunk , but it would do for a time .
3 There was some slight discussion whether the British should keep Canada or should choose the large French sugar islands like Martinique and Guadeloupe ; very few politicians close to the centre of power thought of giving Canada back to France , but the issue underlined the fact that Canada was unlikely to provide much revenue for the British treasury directly , and certainly would not provide the amount of revenue that sugar for re-export would give at a time when Britain used for consumption or for manufacture all that her West Indian islands could produce .
4 Samson Agonistes 's presentation of a hero whose refusal to capitulate allows him to regain divine inner light and inflict a defeat on his enemies bears witness to the plea for continued resistance of the type a republican supporter would propose during a time of defeat .
5 The move , expected to form part of the imminent white paper on the coal industry , would come at a time when the US , Japan and Germany are pumping greater resources into clean coal research .
6 Typically the central bank of the country facing downwards pressure on its currency would intervene for a time by running down its official reserves , but eventually might decide to devalue if there was no sign that domestic policies were likely to contain the situation .
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