Example sentences of "would [verb] [noun] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hello Hello … hardly what you 'd call grief with a large G. I smell a con .
2 He 'd play cards with the Devil himself , if he thought it would be a good game .
3 He went there , he shook hands , he 'd shake hands with a vulture if he thought he could get him up the pedestal , but that 's neither here , something was done .
4 Systematic sampling of West German voters carried out in 1979–80 indicated that 13 per cent of all voters in the Federal Republic had a consolidated extreme rightist ‘ world view ’ ; 14 per cent responded positively to the statement that ‘ we should again have a Leader who would rule Germany with a strong hand for the good of all ’ .
5 I went back to court seven days after that , there was a bail application put forward and the magistrate said he would grant bail with a surety of £500 .
6 Meanwhile the Russians would retreat south with the guns by the only route still open , across the frozen lakes at Monitz .
7 That same Spirit , of course , empowered Jesus for his rich ministry and led John the Baptist to tell others of the One who would baptize people with the Holy Spirit and with ‘ fire ’ .
8 Following an announcement by the Prime Minister , Sir Aneerood Jugnauth , on Oct. 22 that Mauritius would break ties with the British crown [ see p. 38520 ] , the Legislative Assembly on Dec. 10 passed the Constitutional Amendment Bill , under which Mauritius , a constitutional monarchy since its independence in 1968 , would become a republic within the Commonwealth on March 12 , 1992 .
9 It was expected that she would show sympathy with the white settler minority associated with Ian Smith 's Rhodesia Front and propose a deal between him and the near-puppet government of Bishop Abel Muzorewa .
10 He felt that ‘ shareholder pressure ’ would ensure compliance with the Code , but added that ‘ if self-regulation does not work , a more bureaucratic legislative solution would be inevitable ’ .
11 If passed it would present Bush with the politically undesirable prospect of having to veto the measure during the election campaign .
12 An unexpected diversion was the announcement by USSR on 26 May that they would exchange consuls with the Republic .
13 Mr Scargill said Labour 's commitment to strengthening environmental protection would ring hollow with the electorate without a target date for eliminating nuclear power .
14 Willy Brandt tried to present his policy as the natural continuation of Adenauer 's : he would reconcile Germany with the East in the same way as the old man had reconciled her with the West .
15 You may also think that you would like help with the planning and execution of the catering .
16 The legatine visitation would provide Offa with an opportunity to acquaint the pope with his plans and the thinking behind them , but there can be no question about the opposition to them at Canterbury .
17 The intrinsic value of an option can not be greater than the premium itself as this situation would provide investors with an instant arbitrage profit .
18 The agreement concluded with Iran in January [ see p. 38732 ] would provide Ukraine with a smaller amount of oil at a later date .
19 Computer 2000 's partner in Poland , DHI , had initially welcomed the decision , arguing it would provide resellers with an opportunity to recoup lost margins .
20 A policy of raising the wages of the lowest paid , first on an industry basis , and then over the whole country , for this approach to be part of an overall investment and training programme , and for the whole strategy to appear as part of an election manifesto , would provide consumers with the chance of turning a moral decision into an economic reality .
21 At a press conference on Nov. 16 Li Peng announced that China would provide Pakistan with a 300,000 kw nuclear power plant .
22 The document expressed great concern that Wilson had been strongly pro-Israel when prime minister from 1964–70 and that his return to office would sour relations with the Arabs at a time when the international oil crisis was acute .
23 Similarly it would cost $1,295 with the SCO , $995 with Next , $1,350 with IBM and $1,195 with HP .
24 Frills suggest informality and would complement curtains with a channelled , gathered or pencil pleat heading and look most appropriate in a pretty , feminine bedroom or a cottagey kitchen/breakfast room .
25 The square plan ( fig 11.2 ) , although without either the outer or inner walls , and the massive nature of the structure would suggest agreement with the excavator 's conclusion that this was a Romano-British temple , and this has been accepted by Dr M. J. T. Lewis .
26 But the Supreme Allied Commander and the British Chiefs of Staff saw no military advantage in accepting this proposal , and also foresaw that it would create difficulties with the Soviet government , and therefore ignored it .
27 Removing the supports of these state agencies — the welfare net , subsidized public services — would face people with a ‘ reality test ’ : that if you do n't sweep floors eight hours a day , you wo n't have any money to live on .
28 The sexual athletes — the men who have had more than 10 partners or who have sex at least 4 times a week — are the most likely to say they would have sex with a new partner without using a condom .
29 The greater landowners would also employ other gentlemen servants in the management of their estates in the early eighteenth century , some of whom might be freeholders , and all of whom would have connections with the voting freeholders , and while it is true that some of these appointments were poorly paid , one has to bear in mind the comparative poverty of so many of the Scottish gentry in terms of money income .
30 Their bosses are often bright but similarly inexperienced 29-year-old vice presidents with wardrobes from Brooks Brothers and so little credit training they would have trouble with a simple retail installment loan .
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