Example sentences of "say that [adj] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 According to an Iowa State College survey , 78 per cent of the state 's farmers say that modern farming is too dependent on herbicides and insecticides .
2 ‘ If you say that capital punishment is a deterrent , how do you explain that 87 per cent of all murderers convicted over the last 10 years thought there still was capital punishment ? ’
3 The eminent novelist and philosopher Iris Murdoch was asked in an interview in 1982 " What do you think of other forms and media , such as television ? " and I could not agree more with her reply which was " People say that British television is the best in the world but there is so much violence and such a lot of it is so terrible .
4 It will also gather information on why individuals join groups ( in defiance of the free rider prediction that says that collective action is illogical ) .
5 He says that violent death is so common that people tend to be fatalistic and unprepared to take precautions .
6 He says that Saudi culture is different from ours .
7 Canon says that Still Video is an ideal medium for multimedia presentations because users can mix photographs , text and graphics on a computer , record them on a still video disk and display them on a TV .
8 David Cates , a consultant with Washington-based Ferguson & Company , says that precise measurement is possible , although the mathematics is complicated and demands reliable flows of information .
9 It accuses the British government of failing to meet its commitments to protect marine wildlife as set out under the RAMSAR wetlands convention , and says that urgent action is needed to save the estuaries .
10 Nevertheless he says that formal grammar was certainly useful as a reaction against older , notional views of grammar .
11 has said that actual damage is an essential ingredient in unintentional trespass to the person and if this is so there is no reason for distinguishing the case of trespass to goods .
12 And only the previous week the head of the Irish College in Rome — a widely respected Monsignor had said that illegal resistance was the natural protection against immoral laws and that ‘ the Catholics of Ireland rightly disowned what force made them endure ’ .
13 A meeting of oceanographers in Massachusetts has said that large-scale testing is needed to establish the ocean 's potential as a dumping ground for millions of tons of sewage sludge and toxic waste .
14 In the case of some evangelical writers ( though not Barth ) it may also be said that male dominance is fundamental to creation and found in all known human societies .
15 If German anti-Semitism was the ‘ bastard child of the union between German nationalism and Christian anti-Semitism ’ then it must also be said that German nationalism was the offspring of military ambition and industrialisation .
16 The death penalty has featured in campaigns in Florida ; in Georgia , where Mr Andrew Young , the former mayor of Atlanta who is now running for governor , has said that capital punishment is sometimes necessary ; in Michigan , where the Republican Senate candidate , Mr Bill Schuette , has attacked Democratic Senator Carl Levin for opposing it ; in one of this week 's congressional by-elections in New York .
17 It is too much to say that ‘ ministers , uncertain about everything else , had at times found a refuge in social righteousness ’ and that ‘ Bunyan … might have said that social righteousness was his old village of Morality transformed , like Manchester , to a town , by the industrial revolution ’ .
18 ‘ Everybody 's saying that black comedy is the next big thing , because it 's something strong and different — but unless we do something ourselves , it 's not going to happen at all . ’
19 but bbc 's ceefax service last night had a new article saying that grizzly gazza was not for sale and that lazio had contacted several clubs but just at a very premature state .
20 Even in an era of Aids there is a difference between saying ‘ There is no safe sex ’ and saying that unsafe sex is a form of Russian roulette .
21 Saying that worldwide internationalization is a key concept in explaining the changes in the UK 's position may sound like stating the obvious .
22 How many times have we heard women who themselves are single parents saying that equal pay is wrong because men have families to support ?
23 Finally , it is no use trying to escape by saying that ancient trade was not carried out by the nationals of ancient states but by non-citizens , so the Megarian decree can not have injured Megarian trade : the generalization about ancient trade should be corrected to read ‘ ancient Athenian trade ’ , which is what nearly all our information is about .
24 In the language of contemporary sociology , she is saying that juvenile delinquency is a subculture …
25 On second thoughts , it might be better to say that it goes without saying that linguistic communication is a matter of conveying ideas or thoughts .
26 He said that ecological energetics was like grinding up cows to make hamburgers — you could not be sure a monkey had not slipped in somewhere .
27 The reason that Xerox finally wants out is not hard to divine : back in 1989 when it created Xerox Desktop Systems Inc , which marketed the Ventura Publisher product , it said that annual business was running at $40m .
28 On April 4 the UN Disaster Relief Organization ( UNDRO ) said that international help was urgently needed to aid 200,000 Kurdish refugees in Iran and Turkey .
29 Bob Ashby , the chairman , said that international football was considered to be of paramount importance to the status of Rugby League and that selection for Great Britain must not be devalued .
30 Bob Ashby , the chairman , said that international football was considered to be of paramount importance to the status of Rugby League and that selection for Great Britain must not be devalued .
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