Example sentences of "say it [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 I am not decrying Sara in any way when I say it might have been more sensible for us to choose the leader . ’
2 Was after world war one anyway I mind of that , so say it might have been in the twenties he might have done I would n't say proper
3 The transport is also better , with the airport considerably closer than say it would have been in Manchester .
4 As they say it would have been all over the village the smell and everything it is wrong .
5 They say it would have been nice to have had discussions with the contractors before any action was taken.An officer will be on the site , first thing tomorrow .
6 I say no , I say it would have been harsh to give it .
7 Police say it may have been unoccupied , and no-one else is thought to have been injured .
8 Officials say it could have been worse , the maximum fine is now five thousand pounds .
9 The prosecution says it belonged to Westmore James , the defence say it could have been owned by Ian Barnes and Westmore James had been acting inself defence .
10 The damage will run into thousands of pounds but the couple who live here say it could have been a lot worse .
11 In the days before radio the shelter was a link with other drivers and todays cabbies say it should have been kept for them .
12 He says it would have been impossible to find all the hidden ammo .
13 He says it must have been a little before the sixth hour when Aldhelm parted from him at Preston to go on to the ferry .
14 He says it could have been anxiety
15 She says it could have been tragic .
16 They 're now almost 1200 pounds out of pocket , but Norman says it could have been much worse if he 'd gone to America and fallen ill .
17 Liza , apathetic and unable to come to any decision over the baby 's name , allowed Harriet to choose Celia , having said it would have been her and Tom 's choice had they produced a second daughter .
18 A little bit perhaps I would n't of said it would have been
19 I just wanted to say it must have been awful . ’
20 Chris said it might have been somebody that knew you like , was banging on the door .
21 Modugno said it would have been almost impossible for Mansell to see the flag while following closely behind the McLaren-Honda of Ayrton Senna .
22 After the statement was read , Mr Justice Davies — also the trial judge in the pamphlet action — said it would have been unfair to Count Tolstoy and Mr Watts if the jury in the action against them had been told that ‘ responsible publishers ’ had already paid money into court and agreed to apologise and withdraw a book containing similar charges as those made in the pamphlet .
23 The matron of a residential home , talking about a doctor who she felt was reluctant to visit said it would have been helpful if the person who died had been visited more often : ‘ It would have given her a lot more comfort and the staff a lot more confidence . ’
24 And you like them baggy anyway , you do n't get one that fits you er buy That 's why I said it would have been probably better to pay the extra twenty quid and bought the Italian style double- breasted
25 Said it 'll have been in all day .
26 When they gave him the MBE ( some said it should have been the Croix de Guerre ) for services to the Party , the club committee charged 10p a pint all day .
27 at two o'clock on Saturdays and whizzes round the town doing wheelies round the town so I said to him last night Scott sit down I want you to read something , I said take a good look at the paper , I said it could 've been you , doing that , you think you 're so fucking clever and big running round the town , I said it only takes you to lose control go up the bloody curb and bang , that 's what happened , I said think about what the hell you 're doing
28 as I said it could have been worded better
29 L.G. said it must have been sent by someone in the audience who could write shorthand .
30 All well we all said it must have been a quick job .
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