Example sentences of "say [indef pn] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Barbara Coleman was saying something about the former beauty of the garden and its decline , but wondering aloud whether it was fair to say decline because what was happening was that the garden was returning to nature , and further wondering whether it was really and truly nature because some of the plants were not native to the region and did not entirely belong there , and then wondering whether that was not a strange remark to come from one who had made Provence her home for so long that she felt quite a part of the landscape .
2 But someone was saying something at the same time as Lord Boddy , making him falter and finally stop in midstride .
3 Like some of your more illustrious colleagues ( Ron Atkinson , Graham Taylor , etc. ) , you have a tendency to say a lot but to say nothing at the same time .
4 There are stars galore in the operatic firmament , with , alongside to say nothing of the many famous names featured in the historical anthologies .
5 Studies by Atkinson and Kincaid in Britain , Harrington in the USA , and official government studies in both countries , reveal a persistent and significant section of the population living in poverty-stricken circumstances at any one time , to say nothing of the many others , who , at certain crucial periods of their life ( e.g. the old , families with young children ) , may temporarily lapse into poverty .
6 He does , indeed , say something about the latter .
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