Example sentences of "say [prep] you [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It deals with pains like appendicitis , coley cystitis , which is inflammation of the gall bladder — about nine different diseases — and it merely says to you at the end of the operation based on the last five or six hundred patients I 've seen , the probability of this patient having appendicitis is ninety per cent , the probability of something else being ten per cent .
2 If , for example , the reasons described seem unfair or conflict with what was said to you at the time of your dismissal , and you are eligible for unfair dismissal rights , the next step might be for you to make a complaint to the industrial tribunal .
3 I think perhaps what 's going to be said to you to the rest of the day erm will actually bring out the key points tha that Hughie was trying , trying to make .
4 I would have said to you on the phone we do n't make appointments to go and see people to talk about advertising .
5 I 'm sure I 've I said to you on the phone I think .
6 Remember I was saying to you about the whole of the rag trade ?
7 And I meant what I said about you at the start of this .
8 I told him what I said to you on the phone about should n't he be given a bit more obvious humanity because priests are n't great box-office nowadays and Vic said we 'd talk about it nearer the time .
9 So why I said to you on the telephone as you say it 's not what you say it 's the way you say it .
10 I see now we 've got lots to do this morning , you 're going to need to ignore what 's going on behind me , ah , it 's not happening , right , as I said to you at the very beginning of September I 'm the star , so you pay attention to me .
11 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
12 I would say with you to the good Lord ‘ spare me from Mr Kinnock 's gaze , hold on tight to the tablets of stone less they should fall upon this hapless servant 's head , may there be no rock so small that I can not shelter behind it out of Mr Kinnock 's sight ’ .
13 I would say with you to the good Lord ‘ spare me from Mr Kinnock 's gaze , hold on tight to the tablets of stone lest they should fall on this hapless servant 's head , may there be no rock so small that I can not shelter behind it out of Mr Kinnock 's sight , keep the rod and staff of Socialism firmly in your hands lest it be upon my back that it should be broken .
14 I I did say to you at the beginning do you think er men hate women ?
15 ask you , ask you this , what , what did your father say to you about the tinkers ?
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