Example sentences of "say [conj] [pron] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 And er we er ploughed through this until tonight , and er I think I 'm right , Mr returning officer , say that we 're the first Euro constituency in the northwest to get to this stage .
2 The Liberal Democrats write to The Scotsman and say that they were the first to back the consortium .
3 You make everything sound rosy , then you say that something 's the matter .
4 Pluralists do not deny such a possibility , even probability ; they simply say that theirs is the pragmatic solution to the difficult methodological problems involved in the analysis of power and interests ( discussed in chapters 3 and 4 respectively ) .
5 Such hidden assertions can easily be discovered , but it is less easy to notice two further presuppositions in the sentence : " It is possible to evaluate texts ( i.e. say that one is the 'best' ) " and " It is possible for texts to reflect social attitudes " .
6 I said And I always say that it 's the Orcad
7 well , when I say that it 's the best opportunity for peace I 've seen in twenty years .
8 On the one hand we have the hunting fraternity saying that because they rarely catch and kill foxes , some say a two to three percent efficiency rate , er that it 's not cruel yet on the other hand , they say that it 's the most efficient and humane way to control the fox population .
9 They say that it 's the poor that helps the poor and that 's how I 've found it goes quite honestly .
10 How can the hon. Gentleman say that it is the Government 's fault when someone does not pay taxes ?
11 I only say that it is the route of the Council of Europe that has been recognised by the Community as leading to Community membership itself .
12 The winter of nineteen forty was extremely bad , in fact most people say that it was the worst winter of the war .
13 I say that I am the one who brought it .
14 Er in fact most of the radiation we get in fact is not from nuclear power , it 's from erm man made sourc it 's from , from natural sources eighty seven percent of the population as an average comes from our natural environment a lot comes from radon gas erm a small amount of radioactivity in our food erm we were discussing at er er lunch in , in fact the benefits of , of eating er low sodium salt salt is meant to be bad for you so the health er er er freaks say and it 's the sodium , therefore you should buy low sodium salt which is calcium chloride rather than sodium chloride what they forget to tell you of course is that potassium er sorry it 's , it 's potassium chloride rather than er than s than sodium chloride , what they forget , forget to tell you of course is that potassium is slightly radioactive it contains erm a small amount of , of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium so you get a small dose of radiation er to compensate for the fact you are n't eating any sodium .
15 He says that it is the first time the Japanese governent has expressed interest in the IASC 's work .
16 The reasons for the position are externalized , as the speaker , in effect , says that it is the empirical nature of the world , rather than the preferences of the self , which has led to the conclusion .
17 It says that it is the counsel of the witan determined upon as soon as Cnut and his witan established peace and friendship between Danes and English , and that one of the first things the witan decided was that they would zealously observe Edgar 's law and " investigate further at leisure what was necessary for the nation , as best they could " .
18 And in language which extends the representation in Scale 1 of man 's struggles against sin in terms of the Passion , Hilton says that it is the reformation in faith which enables man to carry the image of sin rather than be carried away by it : For some this reformation in faith is sufficient in itself .
19 She says that it 's the bringing together of like minds .
20 He says that it 's the second time in a year the house has been flooded .
21 He says that it was the right decision .
22 says that I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
23 In the story above , David says that he 's the only boy in his class who 's not been out with a girl .
24 He says although it 's the most modern building off the market square , it 's out of date as a modern shopping centre .
25 ‘ Bowe has always said that I am the man he wants more than anybody and now that I am giving him the perfect opportunity , he is shying away from it .
26 Yeah in having said that you 're the same age as me
27 ‘ But Nate has specifically said that you are the man he wants to fly out to Turkey .
28 I suppose it will be said that it is the height of romanticism to cling to the idea that universities can remain largely publicly funded and that students will not inevitably have to pay fees .
29 If it is said that it is the use to which such information may be put that can be objectionable , the libertarian might well reply that gossip is an age-old way of passing the time and one of the cements of society .
30 While it can never be legitimately said of a theory that it is true , it can hopefully be said that it is the best available , that it is better than anything that has come before .
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