Example sentences of "will not [verb] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We still get an , er quite a few calls where fireworks have been pushed through letter boxes , in including pillar boxes , and they can cause all sorts of havoc although they 'll not do an awful lot of damage to individuals .
2 You 'll not have an easy time with her , Marilla . ’
3 Although homoeopathy is appealing to the lay practitioner , and the number of lay colleges is increasing rapidly in this country at the present time , such developments are viewed askance by some of the medically qualified practitioners mainly because they fear that lay homoeopaths will not possess an adequate grasp of basic medical principles — a fear reflected in the recent BMA report on alternative medicine .
4 It is important to bear in mind that a dog will not forget an unhappy experience of this nature , and almost certainly , at some stage in its life , it will require treatment which has to be given orally .
5 This will not prevent an equitable interest passing to the buyer but the court will not grant specific performance unless the seller 's lien can be fully protected and until paid in full he is entitled to vote the shares as he thinks will best protect his interest .
6 Donationes mortis causa may be said to have been an anomaly in our law , both for their immunity to the Statute of Frauds 1677 and the Wills Act 1837 and as exceptions to the rule that equity will not perfect an imperfect gift .
7 Bear in mind that even though the wire will not present an electrical hazard , it should still be buried : trailing cables are dangerous by day and even more so in the dark .
8 I accept the Secretary of State 's point that all the training in the world will not deter an evil man like Beck .
9 We suggest that the presence of acetylcholine alone will not provide an adequate stimulus for the sweat response in the event of nerve degeneration , as the full response requires the combined action of both transmitters , provided that the receptors remain intact after nerve degeneration .
10 She knows that the nation needs some hope for the future of the monarchy and sadly she has accepted that Charles and Diana will not provide an acceptable future for the nation .
11 For this reason , we will not attempt an international analysis but focus closer to home on the situation in UK schools .
12 If a son or daughter commits a crime and is sentenced to imprisonment , the court will not allow an anxious father or mother to take their place , so how can it be that my sin can be taken by another ?
13 This results in unnecessarily poor interview performances in which the interviewers will not get an accurate picture of the candidates and their abilities .
14 If it is run on grass and preceded by stretching and loosening exercises , it will not put an intolerable burden on a healthy youngster .
15 They provided education , free education , free health services erm one of the modern communication system and ports erm and they ensure job for every Kuwaiti , so you will not find an unemployed Kuwaiti , as soon as he is able to do one job or another the Government provided the training for a large number of Kuwaiti to provide technical works .
16 For this reason , you will not find an audio dub button on an 8mm machine which has hi-fi FM sound .
17 McHugh , winner of the title three years ago when he was with Whitehead , will not have an easy passage .
18 Below 60 per cent the exercise will not have an aerobic effect and only very fit people can gain any aerobic effect above the 85 per cent level ( see Table 3 ) .
19 Whoever wins , their plans to boost the economy will face political obstacles and will not have an instant effect .
20 Thus the percentage of the poll gained by UUUC was again over 50% in the third election within fifteen months and the result of the election suggests again that the majority of voters in Northern Ireland will not have an institutionalised Irish dimension and that they are profoundly suspicious of any party which is prepared to share power with those whose explicit or implicit aim seems to be to " destroy the state " .
21 Neither is it sufficient to obtain a correct definition ( e.g. " a triangle has three sides ' ) as this does not guarantee that the pupils will not reject an obtuse angled triangle as a triangle .
22 I had an unpleasant suspicion that some of the letter writers were rather disappointed that 1984 will not see an enormous ministry for rewriting history and so on .
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