Example sentences of "will be [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a moment we 'll be speaking to the doctors who 've helped Bilal and Samir .
2 After the break I 'll be speaking to the Gloucester rugby player , Mike Teague , about his selection for the British Lions Tour of Australia .
3 He 'll be clinging to the hope that we 'll keep his father 's bones safe for our part — and Isambard he wants for his own . ’
4 er , so I 've a , is n't it , it 's a case of no news is possibly good news again , erm , I 'm trying to get in touch with the National Co-Organiser for Carl and John without er any success erm , I know he was going to the erm , the British Section just erm , he was gon na check on them and what actions were forthcoming but er , I have n't heard about that erm , I dare say there 's some on the way erm , the erm , the other few points were erm Jackie 's talk last month she mentioned that erm she was gon na give sort of the more forms sort of side presentation and stuff at their centre in North London , I 've got ta date for that now , it 's erm the eighteenth of March , which is a Wednesday so eh , I 'll certainly be going , if anybody else is interested that 's er , that 's the date er , it 's , it 's not entirely to do with but it , it has a link in , erm we were mentioning campaigns last month , I believe there 's a fourth coming one on , indigenous peoples , which , er , it 's , it 's all sort of triggered off by erm the er five hundredth anniversary of Columbus discovering the Americas erm , the erm cast and the whole of all the sort of the Region and Action networks and the Americas are , erm gon na have a big link in with that campaign so , erm , I , I 'd really like to see us sort of getting involved with that , yes , and , I mean , I 'll be involved to an extent anyway , cos some of the actions that I 'll getting will be sort of addressing the issue of indigenous people 's but erm , erm , they if , if nobody else is wiling to take it on , I 'll , I 'll , I 'd certainly be prepared to erm , sort of co-ordinate that campaign , erm , having said all that , erm I mentioned to a few people that erm , erm in the process of buying a house , so erm I could be moving in well hopefully as little as two months time so erm , I mean if er is as quite as it has been for the last few months , I probably wo n't have any problems , but erm , sod 's law it 's bound to pick up just as I 'm moving house
5 As the arch will lower the height of the opening at the sides , you 'll be limited to a style which allows you to walk under it freely if that height is quite low .
6 We wo n't be disturbed for an hour and a half at least — Kate 's out , and then she 'll be seeing to the meal .
7 A company requiring someone with organizing skills might ask you what skills you 'll be bringing to the job .
8 He says he 'll be complaining to the chief constable .
9 They 'll be fitted to the new generation of Hercules transport aircraft .
10 They 'll be getting to the church in a minute .
11 They 'll be writing to the transport Minister.And if they get no joy they 'll demonstrate outside the Commons .
12 It 'll be taken to the vet to see whether or not it 's worth saving .
13 It 's expected he 'll be taken to the Horton General Hospital in Banbury .
14 You 'll be taking over my job as cop winder , and when you do I 'll be promoted to the looms , just as you 'll be in time . ’
15 Her hands kept busy as she glanced across at her daughter and said : ‘ I do n't suppose you 'll be coming to the Chapel , will you ? ’
16 You 'll be coming to the caelidhe tonight , wo n't you ? ’
17 At last Lucy said , ‘ Then you 'll be coming to the barbecue … ? ’
18 As one young woman I spoke to put it : ‘ I thought at least I 'll be going to a place where these people are not my parents so they wo n't be able to put a hand on me . ’
19 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
20 Well we 'll be going to an auction to get like a reasonable car .
21 ‘ They 'll be going to the Hotel .
22 You 'll be going to the camps and you have to come to terms with that .
23 I 'll I 'll be going to the village hall but I me I have
24 I 'll , I 'll be going to the village hall but I might have to go back to the Cross Keys , that 's why I put Roger , perhaps I put the wrong thing on you see ?
25 We 'll be going to the telephone lines in a moment or two to talk about these subjects , or anything else you wish to raise this Sunday morning .
26 ‘ Then I 'll be talking to the fraud squad and to Special Branch .
27 And we 'll be talking to the N S P C C in a few moments .
28 In a moment we 'll be talking to the show organisers , but first let's go back to the studio and Harriet .
29 You 'll be returning to the glamorous world of rock as soon as he returns .
30 He 'll be returning to an empty fairground of deserted stalls , with only the faint remembered echo of the music that he 's been ignoring .
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