Example sentences of "will [vb infin] them [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 There have been quite a few happenings since then , but my fingers are getting tired , so I 'll save them for another article .
2 I 've been after them for a long time and I 'll get them for this . ’
3 No , I 'll put them in this , why use up your carrier bags , anyhow this is an easier way to carry
4 Only severe economic pressure will eliminate them from these applications .
5 That work will be completed as soon as possible , not least because , as it is a private-sector , commercially orientated project , its proponents want to ensure that the momentum is sustained — and we will assist them in that .
6 If you wan na make a point about that well well we 'll point about them erm there is er a comment erm in this erm erm yeah on paragraph , paragraphs four and five , page five the first of we will buy them including all the legislation that will reduce and if you got up to page three , paragraph six there 's a claim that levels are eight percent higher on the same money !
7 then we may be sure both that the sergeant means his words to be perceived as an order , and that the private will perceive them as such .
8 Studying David Allsop 's funny new Bluff Your Way In Skiing ( Ravette , £2.50 ) will provide them with enough ammunition to last a whole season .
9 Alternatively , the future may bring chemicals that could protect us from any gas , liquid or radiation , not to mention environments in which future generations may live that will separate them from any hazardous source .
10 Would it not help if the board gave a written assurance to the people who 've been complaining here that they will meet them on any occasion to discuss the problem in writing please because from Brenda it appears that it just does not happen .
11 It gives readers that necessary tug which will take them through all sorts of possibly wearisome matters to the final page .
12 We will encounter them throughout this book .
13 ‘ Maybe you will get them after all . ’
14 1.26 The 1988 Act requires the Secretaries of State to revise the curriculum from time to time ; we assume that NCC and CCW , among others , will advise them on this , and that such revision will include attainment targets , the allocation of statements of attainment to levels , programmes of study and methods of assessment .
15 When they discover a shoal of smaller fish , they will harry them on all sides , driving them into such a dense concentration that the technique has been called ‘ meat-balling ’ .
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