Example sentences of "will [vb infin] an [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 BRIGHTON Mark Steel is a comic who should be returned to at irregular intervals : see him too often ( and he is all over London ) and you tire of his south London patter , but go back to his schoolroom lesson after a break from the circuit , or see him off his home patch and you 'll enjoy an exercise bookful of character face-pulling , energetic storytelling and witty , like-it-is observations .
2 You 'll need an insurance line .
3 You 'll need an insurance line .
4 In the New Features box , you 'll see an outline listing of the bits and bobs that go together to make up Presentations 2.0 .
5 Er right at the top there you 'll see an artic jackknife right into the back .
6 Well I 'll have an ox tail then
7 Or eat some of it otherwise you 'll get an air lock wo n't you ?
8 So we 'll get an ice lolly .
9 Ask a bookdealer how his trade has changed over the last twenty years , and you 'll get an answer worthy of a merchant banker : volumes have multiplied ( hardly surprising : there have been as many books published since 1960 as in all the previous history of publishing ) , margins have been squeezed ; competition has grown fiercer , and specialisation finer ; women and Japanese have become crucial forces with which to reckon .
10 Come on , I 'm hungry , let's go get some lunch and then we 'll find an estate agent .
11 ‘ You 'll find an oilskin jacket in the locker at the foot of the stairs , ’ I said , ‘ and you 'll also discover that Ellen has left a Thermos of coffee on the stove , and I like mine without sugar but with milk .
12 The company 's SunPro unit will deliver an MP Developer early access kit for developing multithreaded applications in Fortran , C or C++ for multiprocessing environments — including automatic parallelising compilers — next month .
13 The SunPro unit will deliver an MP Developer early access kit for developing multithreaded applications in Fortran , C or C++ for multiprocessing environments — including automatic parallelizing compilers — next month .
14 Even in this case , we will absorb an amount equivalent to 2% of the holiday price which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charges .
15 Even in this case , we will absorb an amount equivalent of 2% of the holiday price which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment changes .
16 In addition , it seems reasonable to assume that the development will attain an occupancy rate much higher than that at present .
17 It will produce the hard data needed to analyse resource utilisation and will trigger an alarm mechanism allowing managers to control access .
18 In addition , students will prepare an honours dissertation on an appropriate subject under the supervision of staff in both Edinburgh and Japan .
19 As a result , Newco will prepare an offer letter which the vendor will be asked to sign .
20 Rosalind bakes her own bread and croissants and will prepare an evening meal with advance notice .
21 At an early stage the purchaser 's solicitors will prepare an information questionnaire raising detailed questions as part of the due diligence process in relation to the business .
22 At the same time as carrying out this exercise we will prepare an Information memorandum which will form the principal marketing document and which will be used to provide interested parties with the company 's history and details on its activities , assets , and its past current financial performance .
23 Readers will recall that upon receipt of the draft contract in duplicate together with the accompanying plan and any copy covenants , the buyer 's conveyancer will make an index map search and a local search , and also raise enquiries before contract .
24 Now manager Carroll is hoping that a keyed-up Cahill will make an impact right from the start of next Sunday 's replay .
25 Liberal Democrats will introduce an emergency programme of investment to end the slump .
26 We will introduce an investment tax incentive tailored to the special needs of small businesses .
27 If you attempt to pass the SPR on for the seventh time or to the same user twice , LIFESPAN will display an error message and you will not be allowed to pass it on .
28 Persson ( 1977 ) , for example , argues that for single emission sources and small industrial areas with good atmospheric dispersion , emission standards and requirements on stack heights based on best practicable means will guarantee an air quality better than the air quality standard .
29 If he at last comes to the conclusion that he must stand firm next time , he will need an iron determination , for it will be a long tussle ( see page 60 )
30 It will include an adventure programme , with landscaping , substantial tree planting and footpaths .
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