Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 We are confident that the health sector will remain an important market for WCUK in 1993 and are optimistic that , in the light of the latest Autumn Statement , increased opportunities will exist with the wider involvement of the private sector in the delivery of healthcare .
2 However we will not be showing it at Grosvenor House : it will remain in the greater grandeur of one of our new galleries in Bond Street .
3 Perchance , as he sees it , such will make for a stronger monarchy . ’
4 Little shrubs like Genista hispanica or Hebe ‘ Broughton Dome ’ make compact green boulder shapes which will contrast with the looser forms of Genista lydia — smothered in acid yellow blooms in early summer — and silvery cotton lavender , , santolina .
5 This will build on a simpler , more flexible National curriculum and a revised and extended system of National Curriculum levels .
6 Whenever the cost of such a path increases , the algorithm will backtrack to a better looking node .
7 If the rotation is due to something having broken on the model , you have another problem which we will discuss in a later chapter .
8 This chamber should be a nice treat for the adventurers , allowing them to gain some resources they will need for the harder and more dangerous encounters to come .
9 If you 're willing to pay the first £100 of any claim , your premium will fall by a further 10% .
10 The Blue Plaque of English Heritage , at 2 Albert Terrace , London NW1 , will act as a further reminder of the work as a pioneer .
11 In addition you will need to decide whether you want a type that will act as a further embellishment of your scheme or one that blends insignificantly into the background in order not to detract attention from the curtains themselves .
12 If one of a couple is disabled or older than the other , the couple will qualify for the higher amount .
13 At times when selling is difficult , owners who maintain standards will appeal to a wider market , sell faster and reach a higher price , ’ says Mr. Warshaw .
14 Furthermore , it will contribute to a better understanding of normal fetomaternal physiology and to the quest for a non-invasive but definitive antenatal diagnostic procedure that would carry no risk to the fetus .
15 The aims of Environment City are to achieve a greener and cleaner city which will contribute to a better world which can sustain itself .
16 The Economic and Social Research Council launched in early 1985 a major , multi-disciplinary research initiative with the general objective of promoting research which will contribute to a greater understanding of the relatively poor performance of British industry , including the service sector , and which will lead to its improvement .
17 It is hoped that the study 's findings will lead to recommendations on how British companies can improve their marketing effectiveness in a manner that will contribute to a greater level of industrial competitiveness .
18 Wherever possible , the project and surveys undertaken in training should be drawn directly from the working life of the participant and selected because they will contribute to the better management of the school .
19 In focusing on the criteria of selection and presentation of science in the mass media , the study will contribute to the wider current debate and research effort into sources and media for the public understanding of science .
20 In so doing , the study will contribute to the wider comparative research on the local impact of economic change in the United Kingdom .
21 This will contribute to the lower turning-point .
22 Oats and rye are less ‘ hungry ’ than barley and wheat , and will ripen in a shorter , colder , wetter season .
23 The same is true for those Caribbeans who have moved to London , with the additional complication that they will accommodate to a greater or lesser extent to the norms of London English , as shown by J.C .
24 If development continues with positive support , then the pupils will benefit to a greater extent during what will be for many an unsettling time .
25 The efforts of Anthony Thompson and his friends , including contingents of willing helpers provided by the St Bede 's Link with Romania , have gone a long way towards enabling Lotsi to achieve his goal and the project has now reached the stage where it will benefit from a greater degree of organisation than has been necessary so far .
26 A survey on the like effects of global warming on Britain 's butterflies suggests that most species will benefit from the milder winters and drier summers which are predicted .
27 West German electronic industry output will decline by a further 1% to 2% in 1993 , the chairman of the German electronic industry association , ZVEI , says ; Eberhard von Koerber said output fell a price-adjusted 4% in 1992 , with output of entertainment and information technology slumping by more than 20% .
28 The support software , together with the graphical front ends will appear on the older systems within the next six months , the company says .
29 The support software , together with the graphical front ends will appear on the older systems within the next six months , the company says .
30 This will result in a greater understanding of the industry 's capacities and needs .
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