Example sentences of "which had [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 She appeared to experience a return of an old symptom in the form of fear of cancer — her father had died of a particularly virulent from of rectal cancer which had metastasised to the spinal cord and brain and she had periodically experienced intense fear that she would die similarly .
2 Ma Pwa Sein , the stalwart headmistress of St Mary 's , Kemmendine , which had transferred to the Delta at the outbreak of war , was very emphatic that we should not fall into the hands of the Japanese .
3 The applicants in the main proceedings observed in limine that ( a ) 36 of their 95 fishing vessels were part of the United Kingdom fleet during the period 1973 to 1978 ( the reference period for the allocation of the quotas which were introduced in January 1983 ) ; ( b ) 85 of those 95 vessels were registered and in use as British fishing vessels by January 1983 , and ( c ) of those 85 vessels , 42 had always been British flag vessels and 43 were ex-Spanish flag boats which had transferred to the British flag before 1983 .
4 Hatfield Forest in Essex was a private chase which had escheated to the King in 1521 ; it too was granted away by Edward VI .
5 The largest had been Gorky ( renamed in 1932 after the writer Maxim Gorky ) , which had reverted to the name Nizhny Novgorod by decree of the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Oct. 23 , 1990 , in compliance with residents ' demands .
6 The resolution as passed on Aug. 25 represented a significant modification of the US draft , which had referred to the use of " such minimum force as may be necessary " but was changed at Chinese insistence to read " measures commensurate to the specific circumstances " .
7 Revocation of an objective regime would only be possible with the consent of all parties which had consented to the regime and ‘ have substantial interest in its functioning ’ .
8 Listing the institutions which had contributed to the lamentable performance of ‘ UK plc ’ , Morgan went on to lambast Oxford University ( ‘ dons caught in a timewarp ’ ) , the Church of England ( ‘ the enterprise culture is an alien concept to the established Church ’ ) , and Whitehall ( ‘ our vast body of state employees who do not have to worry where the next pay cheque is coming from ’ ) .
9 A gimcrack modern desk table ( ‘ Good enough for him ’ ) had been placed there , and there were a few shelves , stocked with the works of Walter Machin , cheap editions of Lawrence , Walter Greenwood , Orwell , Sillitoe and others , and copies of periodicals which had contributed to the revival of interest in Machin 's books .
10 Finally , there remained differences of approach between the various forces which had contributed to the Shah 's downfall .
11 Because it had n't just been her preoccupation with her father 's illness which had contributed to the breakdown of their brief marriage .
12 Lancaster 's expedition to Brittany also had to be postponed , probably because of the need to recover Berwick , which had fallen to the Scots in October 1355 .
13 The larger group under Col Krat was recorded by 6 Armoured Div on 10 May as among " Enemy Formations " which had surrendered to the division and as having been concentrated in the area of Voelkermarkt , to the east of Klagenfurt .
14 He began by giving several examples of how Governments in both West and East Europe had obtained major United Motors ' investment projects by highly discriminatory and blatantly unfair means , which had operated to the detriment of the UK .
15 It was not regulation , but the decisions of individual consumers , and industry 's response , which had led to the development of ozone-friendly products , bio-degradable plastics , and phosphate-free detergents . ’
16 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
17 The other major setback came in the shape of the winter 's East Coast floods which had led to the loss of some branch members and severe dislocation of classes in Norfolk , Suffolk and Essex .
18 Faced , however , with the catastrophic increase in unemployment and the need to occupy large numbers of workless people without directly employing them ( which would have run counter to the economic doctrine which had led to the redundancy of many of them in the first place ) , the Government poured money into any ‘ voluntary ’ agency willing to put in a bid for government-funded cheap labour .
19 It was a direct result of the move towards greater political co-operation in Western Europe which had led to the creation of the Council of Europe in 1949 .
20 Prior to its arrival in France , the greatest vineyards had undergone gradual devaluation as a result of the increasing demand for wine , which had led to the planting of inferior varieties and the extension of vineyards into unsuitable areas of land .
21 The bitterness and confusion over delimitation , which had led to the drafting of a bill in 1911 outlining the two distinct districts , ‘ Champagne ’ and ‘ Champagne Deuxième Zone ’ , was still unsolved and an amended law was passed through the new government in 1919 .
22 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
23 They were panicking as it was their lack of observation which had led to the two getting away unseen .
24 Nevertheless , the crowding together of the poor in slums was seen to be dangerous — debilitating to health and facilitating possibly seditious communication of the kind which had led to the riots in Trafalgar Square in 1886 .
25 The ill-feeling between the British and American governments which had led to the delay in granting Virgin an exemption to fly into the States back in June now resurfaced .
26 In many ways the most significant of all the Soviet nationality disputes began to acquire open and public form in the summer of 1987 in the Baltic republics on the anniversary of the Nazi-Soviet pact which had led to the incorporation of these republics into the USSR .
27 As a reward for delivering the information which had led to the exposure of Sidacai 's planned coup , the honour was excessive .
28 This is made easier by the shift in the ideological climate discussed earlier , since to be too soft on those convicted would be to prolong the permissive trend which had led to the high crime levels and the chronic economic problems .
29 The University of Edinburgh has come late and abruptly to these changes , its collective mind concentrated by the need to change planning systems which had led to the sudden emergence of large , recurring deficits .
30 The fire was the second worst in the city 's history and occurred exactly 79 years after the death of 145 people in a factory fire which had led to the imposition of strict building regulations .
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