Example sentences of "which they [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Which they class as a debt free authority .
2 In what follows I am going to use a general procedure for reading texts to examine specific features of racist discourse to be found in ‘ Fighting talk ’ and ‘ The last laugh ’ and to suggest a series of questions which they raise as an agenda for further research and debate .
3 The Harrisons ' home was perfectly kept , equipped with all the latest devices , with its cream carpets and matching walls , with its rotisserie and dishwashing machine and its large television set on which the Harrisons played videos of their favourite movies which they swapped with a group of friends who lived around Siena .
4 When life brings them into touch again twenty years later , and they are hopelessly in love , a climactic scene takes place in an inferior tea-shop which they visit during a furtive day together in London .
5 Police found credit cards in both the name of Garawand and Yousefi they also took the keys to a white Ford Transit van , which they discovered in a car park .
6 This attitude was by no means confined to educated sceptics ; it was probably even more marked among the urban proletariat , who had largely abandoned churchgoing and were alienated from the established Church , which they identified with a repressive economic and social system .
7 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
8 In 1811 the Luddites rioted and destroyed the textile machinery which they saw as a direct threat to their jobs .
9 The regular , monotonous monastic discipline gave the monks a peace and equanimity which they saw as a tranquil experience of God which was fully in tune with their normal lives .
10 The Die-hards were opposed to the rise of a socialist Labour party and militant trade unionism , which they saw as a revolutionary threat to property and the stability of British society .
11 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
12 Herr Kohl acknowledged that the far Right was gaining support from people opposed to the EC 's Maastricht agreement , which they saw as an anti-nationalist pact to give up the Deutschemark .
13 In 1951 Burgess and Maclean fled to Moscow ; Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson resigned from the Labour government in protest at the imposition of charges within the National Health Service , which they saw as an attack on the principles of the Welfare State .
14 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
15 Professor Thomas Gordon joined them for breakfast at the New Inn , after which they went to a Service at the ‘ English chapel ’ , that is to say , the Episcopalian , that is to say , the Anglican church in Scotland .
16 Erm there is a further implication in this conception , and again I quote whosoever therefore out of a state of nature unite into a community must be understood to give up all the power necessary to the ends for which they unite into a society to the majority of the community unless they expressly agreed in any number greater than the majority and this is done where are we by barely agreeing to unite into one political society which is all the compact that is or needs to be between the individuals that enter into or make up a commonwealth .
17 After trying every aquatic shop in the area , I decided to write directly to the manager of Trilcot and within a week I was able to collect an excellent piece of wood which they sent to a nearby store .
18 Kibaki and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga , the veteran opposition leader , one-time Vice-President ( in 1964-66 ) and now leader of FORD-Kenya , were reported on Dec. 31 to have threatened to withdraw their parties from the electoral process , alleging widespread irregularities which they said in a statement were " fast pushing the nation to war " .
19 For the past decade , the two have been exploring the boundaries of costume exhibitions at New York 's Fashion Institute of Technology , from which they come with a dazzling reputation .
20 They tried their idea out on a piece of glass which they dipped into a solution containing their compound .
21 It is very difficult , particularly for those who work in a stuffy , overcrowded office , to which they commute on a stuffy overcrowded train , successfully to avoid catching cold or other viruses .
22 It seemed a silly thing to cheer about and Anna remained sitting on the floor until a group of older boys appeared with musical instruments which they took to a bank of seats at the far end .
23 The control the Scots ' pack brought to proceedings — principally from the platform of the lineout which they took by a conclusive 30-16 margin ( Doddie Weir and Damian Cronin pouching ten takes each ) , yet also in the alacrity with which they arrived at breakdown — left the Welsh utterly befuddled .
24 Camden and Islington councils , meanwhile , have given the Met a free copy of LAFIS — a computer programme which they developed at a cost of £15 million , and sold to other authorities for about £2 million a throw .
25 Before moving to Cleveland , Mr and Mrs Chance ran a 14-bedroomed hotel in Northumberland which they developed from a pub .
26 The twins ' outfits for the panto , two of which they modelled for a preview , have cost £13,500 .
27 It is said that the final preparations owed their antibacterial activity to the phenol which they contained as a preservative .
28 Clearly these regulations were meant to confine carried-out timber to that fit only for firewood , but in 1792 complaints were still being made of enormous losses of timber through yard workers , who even finished work early to allow themselves time to saw up useful lengths , which they sold at a shilling each .
29 Her parents ran a smallholding which they combined with a facility for boarding dogs while their owners went away on holiday .
30 Kabbalists and Sufis were often moved by the ideas of the Jewish and Muslim rationalists , which they translated into a mystical mode .
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