Example sentences of "which are [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The options under this index allow the manipulation of ‘ products ’ , packages of software which are intended for internal or external release to a ‘ client ’ .
2 Moreover , within the Brompton study data , it is particularly difficult to interpret the regression coefficients ( which are adjusted for concurrent weight throughout ) in the youngest age groups .
3 We er emphasised to him the impact this would have on Oxfordshire 's er spending requirements and er the hope that the er spending that we get , and we get it in two ways ; one is through , called the standard spending grant , that is a general grant that was given to authorities to spend as they wish , and the other is a specific grants which are given for particular purposes , and some of them cover the legislation that I have mentioned , which we are required to spend specifically on the items for which they 're given .
4 There are other varieties of deposit , which are made for special purposes , e.g. for housing , and which are subject to special conditions .
5 Ever the traditionalist , AT&T Co chose late Friday to announce that 1,000 jobs are to go at its transmissions systems Merrimack Valley Works plant in North Andover , Massachusetts : 5,000 employees will remain after the big lay-off ; AT&T cited reduced demand and improved plant efficiencies for the cuts , which are planned for late August .
6 displays the monitored statistics which are recorded for each dyeing .
7 Consequently , data which are collected for one particular analysis or processing application are unsuitable where they are required elsewhere for a different purpose .
8 Legislative authority is held by a bicameral Congress made up of a 180-member Chamber of Deputies and a 60-member Senate , both of which are elected for five-year terms , the Senate on a regional basis and the Chamber of Deputies by constituencies under a system of proportional representation .
9 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
10 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
11 In either case , the resulting listings will not be prepared immediately , but can be requested after examining the two further pages which are displayed for this option and provided that no errors have been detected by LIFESPAN .
12 Although paperwork is boring , it is not difficult to do , but there are other duties where there is a risk of being shown to be incompetent , which are disliked for this reason .
13 There are also a number of trophies which are held for one year ; the Willis Graham Cup is awarded for the champion berry in the show , judged solely by weight .
14 The purpose of this research is to explore the characteristics , both organisational and environmental , which are required for successful performance review implementation .
15 In addition to the records which are required for statutory purposes , organisations may also be required to retain records for statistical purposes , for national and international governmental bodies .
16 The first group of three do not keep newspapers or magazines in hard copy at all except for the specialist journals which are retained for one year .
17 It , too , is based on a detailed classification of occupations ( similar , though not identical , to those of the OPCS ) , which are grouped for many purposes into three social classes :
18 In towns and cities which are occupied for long periods of time , there is a continuous process of old buildings being demolished and levelled for the construction of new ones , which in turn become old and are demolished .
19 Yet the idea is frequently interpreted to mean simply the ability to produce spoken utterances which are marked for illocutionary function : promising , warning , recommending , agreeing , predicting , and so on .
20 A provisional timetable has , however , been given for the Government 's review of travel-to-work areas ( used as the basis for the Assisted Areas which are targeted for regional assistance ) .
21 This applies particularly to those types , like Ecotype , which are meant for continuous reading .
22 NISBI offers a range of management development programmes which provide knowledge , skills and contacts which are designed for specific market segments under five main headings : -
23 Executive information systems , which are designed for strategic management , are usually of this type .
24 [ 4 ] Premature babies are routinely subjected to heel lancing in order to obtain blood samples which are needed for crucial reasons .
25 He said : ‘ Over the past 10 years we have been striving hard to maintain the numbers of part-time firefighters which are needed for this vital community service . ’
26 They are supervised in the early days , encouraged to speak up at meetings , and they also attend training programmes which are provided for all the care assistants .
27 They are simply a recording of a band 's live or alternative versions of their songs , which are used for one or two broadcasts .
28 The birds , in particular albatrosses , are attracted to the baited hooks which are used for long-line fishing , and become caught in the nets and killed ; , Further restrictions are to be imposed on the establishment up of new fisheries in the area .
29 Series which are marketed for other fields of training can sometimes be used effectively in language teaching .
30 Books which describe this architectural level , and which are recommended for further reading , are Bell and Newell ( 1971 ) , Stone ( 1975 ) , Tanenbaum ( 1976 ) , and Foster ( 1976a ) .
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