Example sentences of "which he [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you hear a scream ? ’ she asked dulcetly , then blinked at the speed with which he crossed the ground .
2 Distinguished guests fared only a little better ‘ … a pleasant fiction and cheerful jest of the captain 's … a profoundly preposterous box ’ was how Charles Dickens described his cabin on board the Britannia in which he crossed the Atlantic on his trip to America in 1842 .
3 Even in his mid-seventies , Finniston is showing no sign of flagging in his boundless energy or in the missionary zeal with which he preaches the gospel that a healthy industrial economy is in the best interests of society as a whole .
4 ( E ) The conference nominates his excellency , Ali Mahdi Mohammed , as provisional President of the Somali Republic for a period of two years from the day on which he takes the oath .
5 The boy 's contemptuous : ‘ No ! ’ was always accepted without comment , and with no attempt at persuasion ; but each night a soft , sidelong , tormenting smile recognised the growing reluctance and diminishing arrogance with which he spat the refusal at his questioner .
6 Any doubt about his attitude should have been set aside by the speech with which he accepted the leadership :
7 If the meticulous Davis was the last player one would expect to lose in such a manner , the six-times Masters champion retained his reputation for sportsmanship by the grace with which he accepted the verdict .
8 The hon. Gentleman is seeking to disguise the fact that under the Government in which he served the quality of service under the headings that I have just listed was vastly inferior to the quality of service provided under this Government .
9 Besides publishing pamphlets and organizing petitions , he brought out a short-lived newspaper , the Flying Eagle ( November–December 1652 ) , in which he denounced the abuses of the day .
10 But when we understand the adjective to be a predicate qualifier , so that the sentence is the counterpart to how did Reg run the engine ? , then it describes a different ( and , in engineering terms , presumably worse ) situation , in which he forces the engine to operate when it is already dry .
11 Hopper held his own in a hard , heavy-hitting first round in which he took the fight to Parsons , even though he took some punishment .
12 Shortly after arriving in England , he responded to a petition from a number of Puritan ministers by calling a theological conference at Hampton Court Palace , at which he took the chair for a series of debates between his bishops and the representatives of those looking for reform .
13 He therefore set out to produce a corrected text first of the letters of Paul his hero , then of the gospel of Paul 's companion Luke ( the other gospels being scrapped ) , which he thought the work of Paul himself in its original form .
14 In the same case , at 427 , Denning LJ ( as he then was ) gave more examples in the following passage and summarised the circumstances in which he thought the court would interfere :
15 This influences the expectations that the public in Easton have of the police , and of their role in the community — a point which one constable made by explaining that one resident in Easton , upon finding himself locked out of his home , called at the station asking for the duplicate set of keys to his house which he thought the police would routinely possess for the residents ' benefit ; phone calls from the public asking for air and train information also sometimes occur .
16 New selling aids and point-of-sale material were presented by Michael Saulet , Marketing Director Ralph Ellis , Managing Director , concluded the conference with a review of the trading year in which he re-affirmed the company strategy for the Autumn trading period and laid the foundations for the future .
17 Most disconcerting , to those who love The Discarded Image , is the apparent cheerfulness with which he abandons the depth and range of his historical imagination in favour of a style of rhetoric which seems more reminiscent of the Belfast police courts .
18 Kelly also has two shows of brand new work on the boards these days : one , of paintings at Blum Helman from 11 November to 2 January , and another at Castelli from 21 November to 19 December in which he abandons the wall in favour of a large piece meant to be looked down upon and circumambulated .
19 The Theosophist Geoffrey Hodson gives detailed descriptions of various elemental beings which he had the ability to observe in various natural locations .
20 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
21 Although Kirk does not record that he raised any specific objection to this , or that he asked for confirmation that the Cossacks were all Soviet nationals within the terms of allied policy , he nevertheless includes the exchanges about the Cossacks among the points on which he requests the State Department 's views .
22 I was immediately impressed by the breadth and depth of his knowledge of the workings of the natural world , by his own diverse and exceptional achievements , by his incredible work rate and by the wisdom with which he viewed the task ahead .
23 However , perhaps the most surprising aspect of Lord Cross 's speech is the apparent complacency with which he viewed the implications of his decision as he understood them .
24 A speaker who asked questions expecting the answer ‘ True ’ sometimes incorporated an elaborated irony by which he attacked the revolution for its failure to uphold principles and policies to which he was , and was known to be , utterly opposed .
25 Kim Il Sung presented a report in which he deplored the division of Korea , which was itself attributable to the machinations of the Americans .
26 Then the Duke of Wellington , who made a most interesting speech on imaginative farming and game conservation , in which he deplored the massacre of nearly tame reared pheasants , and said that landowners and farmers should look to quality rather than quantity when shooting pheasants .
27 The sobs lessened and a hand was extended , into which he pressed the tissue .
28 Many of its people were farmers too , though several were merchants as well — two drapers , a mercer , a haberdasher and a wax-chandler , and in 1584 Archdeacon Robert Johnson chose it as the location of one of the two grammar schools with which he endowed the county .
29 Ullman divides the computational problem faced by the visual system into two logically distinct parts , which he calls the correspondence and the interpretation problems .
30 Bell expresses the connection between these as " an axiom of sociolinguistic structure " , which he calls the Style Axiom : Variation on the style dimension within the speech of a single speaker derives from and echoes the variation which exists between speakers on the " social " dimension .
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