Example sentences of "which he be [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Around the inner compound of his ranch house , Goldsmith has built a moat in which he is sheltering a large number of crocodiles — a notoriously threatened species .
2 The difference between the rhetorical and social representational approaches can be illustrated by considering a quotation from Moscovici ( 1984 ) , in which he is discussing the social nature of social representations : ‘ The word ‘ social ’ was meant to indicate that representations are the outcome of an unceasing babble and a permanent dialogue between individuals , a dialogue that is both internal and external , during which representations are echoed or complemented ’ ( Moscovici , 1984 : 950 ) .
3 The other supposed leader , Laurent Fabius , first secretary of the Socialist Party , is also severely incapacitated on account of his involvement in a scandal concerning the treatment of haemophiliacs with AIDS-contaminated blood , for which he is facing a charge of manslaughter .
4 His is the name that will sell The Miser , the Moliere comedy in which he 's travelling the country .
5 He also exhibited seven paintings at the British Institution ( 1841–60 ) and eighty-four ( 1841–69 ) at the Society of British Artists , of which he was elected a member in 1845 , resigning in 1852 in the hope that this would assist his election to associateship of the Royal Academy .
6 After working as house surgeon to Jones Quain [ q.v. ] at University College Hospital , he became assistant medical officer at Wakefield Asylum ( 1857–8 ) , before a brief period at Brentwood Asylum as assistant MO , during which he was elected a member of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane ( later the Medico-Psychological Association ) in July 1858 .
7 When the right of control and transfer is conveyed , the holder relies on the same method of notification by which he was made a holder , except that he will be the initiator of the message to the carrier , and will need to await the carrier 's confirmation before the transfer process can be set in motion .
8 After Enkidu 's death Gilgamesh wandered far and wide in his grief encountering among others the proverbial survivor of the great flood , Utnapishtim , who told him how he had been warned in a dream by a god of the imminent deluge , and instructed to build a great boat into which he was to take the seed of all living creatures .
9 He is described on his monument at Wollaton as ‘ architector and survayor unto the most worthy house of Wollaton , and diverse others of great account ’ ; this is the first known occasion on which he was called an architect , a term and function then still only in embryo in England .
10 The first of these , Sea Change , was awarded the Carnegie Medal in 1948 and in an interview the author explained the way in which he was using the adventure-story genre :
11 Les nopces de village is the only work in which he was assigned a soprano part .
12 He strongly opposed the orthodox post-colonial constitution proposed by the British government , in which he was assigned the role of constitutional monarch presiding over a Westminster-style parliament .
13 His room overlooked our house , and he could watch the comings and goings — we were having some turf laid at the time in which he was taking a great interest — and I used to drive round there every evening at half past five and bring him home for a meal , after which we would chat or watch television .
14 He was taken ill as he was about to be presented to the President of Galicia before a dinner for which he was cooking the main course .
15 In the case of Molla Sayyid Muhammad al-Nakib ( Yavuz Celebi ) , on the other hand , Ata'i merely notes that he started off his career as a kasabat kadi , then turned to the medrese system in which he was given a 40-akce medrese and subsequently worked his way up to the Suleymaniye Darulhadis — probably by this time the premier medrese in the empire to which he was appointed in 1012/1604 : he later became kadi of Eyup and then nakibulesraf .
16 It was four days ( during which he was given the last rites ) before his doctors gave him a chance to live through .
17 Further , the buyer must have made known to the seller the particular purpose for which he was buying the goods .
18 In the view of the Court , the sentencer had given proper recognition of the seriousness of the history and the offences for which he was sentencing the appellant , and had taken into account all the relevant guidelines and principles .
19 While Holroyd Smith and Cornelius Quin took care of the electrical side of operations , John Lancaster managed the day-to-day running of the tramway , for which he was paid the princely sum of £1–15 shillings a week .
20 In an early draft of the play upon which he was working the elderly public man is compared to a silkworm who has chewed the bitter leaves of the mulberry all his life .
21 The last straw — though a haystack could have been built with Headlam 's last straws — was a speech in Trafalgar Square advocating the abolition of the House of Lords , after which he was refused a licence by his bishop , for eleven years .
22 Then there was no time for further thought , as Buttons , excited by the baying of the hounds and the sound of Lord Deverill 's hunting horn on which he was blowing a thrilling series of quick notes , took hold of his bit and flew .
23 Walter Legge once said that Karajan was not interested in politics , except of the musical variety , of which he was to become a consummate master .
24 His coming to live in this particular house had been preceded by a change in his life which he was finding a little difficult to accept .
25 The earliest I have found relates to Henry de Lornes , in the year 1203 , when he paid 16s and a palfrey for 1½ yokes of land in Halling and Cuxton and another in 1271 , when Walter , son of John de Boghurst granted land to Thomas Heryng of Halling for which he was to pay a seam of corn and do service to the chief lord .
26 During World War I McLachlan served in the Special Brigade involved in gas warfare , for which he was awarded a DCM .
27 In September 1858 he patented a process for preparing chlorine using calcium chromate , for which he was awarded a medal at the 1862 international exhibition .
28 Among his many inventions one of the most important , for which he was awarded a gold medal at the 1885 inventions exhibition , was the conjugating mechanism enabling the three valves of a triple-expansion marine engine to be driven by only two sets of valve gear .
29 To be sure , he still upheld the standards of his father ; he played a full role in the family business on the manufacturing side , but the crown went to his younger brother , Horace , who had not only secured field-promotion to Captain , but went on to bring the family business — and his industry — to new heights , for which he was awarded the OBE several years later .
30 If he demanded that an artist was dropped , the artist was dropped , nationwide — until a Texan broadcaster , John Henry Faulk , who was blacklisted by AWARE , brought and won a libel action in which he was awarded the record sum of $3,500,000 after a six-year struggle .
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