Example sentences of "which would be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One can certainly envisage situations in which the sub-optimal response of agents to the dynamics of a particular dynamic market game might lead to a market equilibrium away from that which would be reached under optimal behaviour .
2 Under the plan some 50 missiles would be transferred from the launch silos in Wyoming ( the seventh designated MX location ) to 25 new trains , which would be kept at the seven bases for deployment on the public rail system in time of crisis .
3 She saw the red plush benches which would be filled with students next week , and she ached to be amongst them .
4 This self-evaluation ( which would be undertaken by every member of the school staff ) would then be set against priorities within the school .
5 Without the authority to initiate change , more harm than good would be done by reforms which may get stuck half-way , and which would be resented by heads and teachers in all the schools .
6 The nuclear-free zone proposal was reportedly in the annual ASEAN discussions in 1986 , and Soviet spokesmen underlined press reports at the close of the following annual ASEAN Conference in June 1987 that specific plans were being worked out to set up such a zone which would be examined at a summit level meeting of the ASEAN states in Manila in December .
7 One member of his family could come and visit him that afternoon and yes , we would be allowed to bring food , which would be examined before being given to the prisoner .
8 Instead of the audit , FRAG proposes that the accounts should contain a compilation report on their preparation , which would be furnished by an accountant who is suitably qualified but not necessarily independent of the company .
9 David Jones of Sharelink has proposed an order-driven system for small value share transactions which would be displayed on investors ' TV screens at home instead of on TOPIC .
10 The kind of wealth which would be displayed in the garments of the Khans and Noyons during the day 's ceremonies was usually a product of oppression of the poor , but on Tarvaras there was no one whom Alexei would have cared to class as under-privileged .
11 Here samples were made which would be sent to the London shop for testing .
12 They completed a standard application form , which included a declaration that the society would obtain a valuation of the property , a copy of which would be sent to the pursuers , and that no responsibility for the information therein would lie with either the society or the valuer .
13 If there were more busts , it is difficult to see them ( in light of the heavy guilloche " and cornice pattern ) as other than insets which would be subsumed by the whole design rather than provide an independent pictorial element .
14 There are other intermediate prices which would be accepted for larger or smaller amounts by many or all of the sellers .
15 Figure 6.5 is a model of the lunar interior , many features of which would be accepted by most scientists , though a minority would argue that it has yet to be established that the Moon has a global crust .
16 However , since managers can also offer a coupon for the bonds — and hence a yield — which is more or less competitive by taking a higher risk , the overall price must also contain elements of the deviation of the yield from that which would be obtained from other competing intermediaries .
17 This topography is probably the result of seismic waves radiating from the Caloris impact , which would be refocused on the opposite side of Mercury .
18 per head higher than the rest of the United Kingdom which would be jeopardised by any change in the constitutional arrangements .
19 A classic case is the pressure brought to bear by the World Bank in agriculture in the 1970s in support of island projects , the efficiency of which would be ensured by hiving them off from executing ministries , and appointing expatriate ( mainly European ) managers to run them .
20 Mr McCartney claimed the 24-hour security surveillance which would be implemented at the park as part of the development would ‘ change utterly the ambience of this unique open space ’ .
21 For example , in 1988 the Secretary of State for Wales , Peter Walker , announced a £500 million revitalization programme for the valleys of South Wales , which would involve land reclamation , business advice and support , factory construction , housing rehabilitation and infrastructural investment , and which would be implemented by local authorities , the private sector , central government and the Welsh Development Agency .
22 Now he has thrown caution to the wind in his forecast of what Chancellor Lamont may tell the House of Commons this afternoon , by revealing that : ‘ this Budget is likely to highlight proposals which would be implemented by the Conservatives following an Election victory . ’
23 Instead , the logical policy is to tax consumption , at a rate which reflects not the disposal cost of a good but the costs which would be inflicted on society if it were illegally dumped .
24 It would , Burlatsky suggested , be based upon a wide variety of property forms , including state property which would be developed to the higher level of public ownership of the whole people .
25 In his wish for a healthy city he was becoming more and more aware of rural virtues and leaning towards the sort of suspect organicism which would be developed with a vengeance by Leavis .
26 Those of the royal subjects who ‘ may and will gladly strain themselves ’ were asked to contribute to a loan , which would be repaid within two years .
27 Between 1337 and 1353 the tax on wool formed part of a series of schemes under which the king attempted to establish a body of powerful and wealthy merchants who would be granted a monopoly in the purchase and export of wool in return for making loans to the king which would be repaid from the maltote , the export tax on wool .
28 A notebook or ‘ ledger ’ for older children allows for the depositing of points for good behaviour/tasks fulfilled in the credit column ; and the withdrawal of points for misdemeanours or tasks refused , which would be registered in the debit column .
29 Note that this general use of the term unit is different from that used in the NHS , where a unit is defined as an administrative subdivision of a health district and may itself consist of several hospital sites , each of which would be subdivided into cost/responsibility centres .
30 The tables would be clothed with white cloths and fine cutlery , as befitted the prime dishes which would be prepared in the central kitchen .
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