Example sentences of "which would [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The centre 's system for emergency lighting runs from a generator , which would fail in the event of a fire cutting off main electricity , so the fire officer said spectators could not be allowed in .
2 This was designed both to decentralise the delivery of services through mini-town halls , and to generate local plans which would feed into an overall local authority or corporate plan spanning a four-year period .
3 This is a view which would accord with the dualistic tradition to which his novels predominantly belong .
4 It is assumed that because of a basin that is still strongly subsiding , the degree of coalification will not yet have reached the equilibrium which would relate to the present depth and temperature , and that gas generation and accumulation are still taking place here .
5 Does the honorary scorer appreciate that on an average sized square ‘ a permanent spot at square leg ’ would involve literally dozens of ‘ spots ’ , only four of which would relate to the pitch in use , unless the suggestion is for removable plastic markers positioned for each game , but those would n't be permanent would they ?
6 However , sometimes there is reference in ancient church records showing payment for the purchase of woods , which would relate to the materials used for the benches and their ends .
7 The Crowd Behaviour Panel was set up following the Report of the Joint ESRC/Sports Council Panel on Public Disorder and Sporting Events ( 1979 ) ; and following a seminar in 1981 the decision was taken to sponsor a series of research projects which would contribute to the understanding of contemporary crowd disturbances in Britain .
8 Crowd behaviour The Crowd Behaviour Panel was set up following the Report of the Joint ESRC/Sports Council Panel on Public Disorder and Sporting Events ( 1979 ) ; and following a seminar in 1981 the decision was taken to sponsor a series of research projects which would contribute to the understanding of contemporary crowd disturbances in Britain .
9 Anca Petrescu 's model was of a palace which would stand at the heart of a new city .
10 Probing with his narrow hands he located the organs he sought , and , using another slender knife , dislodged and withdrew them , handing them to his assistant , who placed them in bronze trays and took them to another table where he covered them with natron salt , to dry and preserve them ready for the four jars which would stand in a chest at the head of the coffin .
11 The proposals , in a consultative document currently being circulated ( for the full text , see this issue , p 146 ) would introduce a voluntary framework for specialist qualifications , which would build on the foundation of the existing ACA generalist qualification .
12 It is beyond the scope of this book to enter deeply into these problems , a full understanding of which would demand of the reader a specialized knowledge of monetary economics .
13 What I desired was a grand conception , one which would speak to the mysterious fears of our nature .
14 But you 've argued previously in this hall that North Yorkshire should provide for residential development at a level which would cater for a continuation of the past levels of migration .
15 I have seen a Hirobo ‘ 808 ’ which would loop from the hover , while another identical machine would not .
16 Meanwhile , the BBC SSO is holding fire on balloting its members until it receives more information about the merger to create a National Orchestra of Scotland , which would double as the orchestra for both the BBC and SO .
17 A progress chart , I 'd thought , which would show at a glance — ’
18 The four-stage plan envisaged ( i ) concluding a co-operation treaty including economic , currency and transport union and legal alignment ; ( ii ) forming a confederation of East Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany or FRG ) with joint bodies and institutions ; ( iii ) transferring sovereignty to the confederation ; and ( iv ) creating a German Federation or Alliance after elections to a unified parliament which would decide on a constitution and government with its seat in Berlin .
19 Powerful evidence against the wave interpretation is the lack of any correlation between the size of a feature and its rate of east-west motion , a correlation which would exist in the case of waves .
20 That 's where the spigot was , packed with the explosive propellant which would ignite in a flash and send the bomb on a high trajectory towards its target .
21 A minority government formed by Labour or the Conservatives would , he maintained , create instability and uncertainty rather than work constructively for a partnership government which would last for a parliament .
22 He then took some food which would last for a while and packed it into his bag .
23 Since industrial anarchy was nothing other than the other side of the coin of the rapidly rising crime levels , both would be defeated by tough measures which would restore to the citizen a feeling of security and freedom .
24 He was the last English king to spend time ( as king ) in Gascony : ten months in 1273–4 ; two years in 1286–9 ; so there was a need to establish an administration there which would function without the king-duke 's presence at all .
25 This was to be drawn up by commissions of both parties in the belief that it would evolve into a " national agreement " , supported by the business and trade union sectors and other political parties , which would extend beyond the term of the current government .
26 The vote followed a coalition agreement of Oct. 13 favouring a constitutional amendment which would refer to the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees .
27 But he calculated that it had to be worth it , that such casualties would be minor compared with those which would result from a prolonged , slogging , hand-to-hand battle .
28 That is underlined by the absurdity which would result from a literal construction of the word ‘ cost ’ in the case of a loss-making concern such as British Rail or a heavily endowed institution , where the employee 's benefit would have to be valued at a figure in excess — indeed , it may be many times in excess — of the market price of the service provided .
29 Rather they take the form of the greater danger of an intensification of the wage-price-expectations spiral which would result from an expansion of demand .
30 This terminology is repeated in the new Article 130R(4) which would result from the Maastricht text , and also in the new Article 109(5) on agreements relating to monetary policy or fixing exchange régimes and the new Article 130Y on development co-operation .
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