Example sentences of "which we [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Talking of Lester Piggott he of course was the winner of the first ever Channel Four personality of the year trophy which we awarded for the first time last year .
2 We can make fear choices , which lead us to cling to the past — ‘ I hate my job , but I wo n't find anything better , so I 'd better stick to it ’ , ‘ I always eat hamburger and chips on Thursdays ’ , ‘ I 'd like to know Chris better , but I 'm sure s/he wo n't be interested in me ’ — or growth choices , in which we reach for the future — ‘ I hate my job , so I 'll start applying for others , even though it feels scary ’ , ‘ Maybe I 'll try spaghetti bolognese tonight ’ , ‘ What have I got to lose ?
3 In other words , sticking to those sectors that we know and understand and which we chose for the nineties because we believe they had good growth prospects .
4 And others , there 's money here which we got for the admin course which which can spend .
5 Monday arrived , as we set out we had two major obstacles to overcome , firstly not getting lost in Budapest ( which we achieved for the very first time ) and secondly getting through the border between Hungary and Romania .
6 They have not been they are not the area covered by the er York greenbelt because as Mr said , er er greenbelt boundaries follow natural features rather than administrative boundaries which we use for the for the Greater York study .
7 The main good grains on which we depend for an essential part of our daily diet come from plants belonging to the family of grasses and can not be readily digested until the tough outer shells are broken up and , sometimes , removed .
8 But the money with which we paid for the house — and with which she bought her nylons and expensive corsets — came from scrap metal : though her father never spoke to her again after she left her first husband , she was his only child and he died intestate .
9 We brought books to Brownies which we read for an hour and we were not allowed to say a word .
10 We have tried to sum up the fragments of information which we have for the last three centuries in our second chapter , ‘ Glimpses of a Lost History ’ .
11 We therefore have to solve for unc unc Knowing Mo , we now use ( 11 ) to evaluate unc whence in turn we find unc Since unc is non-singular , we may reduce the eigenproblem based on W1 to unc which we solve for the unknown
12 I think the erm the best way is to improve productivity by taking in more and different students and multiplying the services which we provide for the community .
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