Example sentences of "which was [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Shellshock was cocoa , which was served with bread and margarine for breakfast and tea .
2 The franchise application bill , including £2m of ‘ golden handcuff ’ bonus payments to 20 or 30 executive staff , is reflected in a £4m extraordinary charge below the line — part of which was offset against Exchequer levy , which fell 30 p.c. last year .
3 Set into the wall , which was made of wood , was an enormous iron-studded door .
4 Which was made of wood , and the rest is plywood at the side and back .
5 Christmas pudding is thought to have originated from a type of medieval porridge or pottage , which was made of meat , cornmeal , dried fruit , nuts , sugar and spices .
6 I used an MVP brace , which was made of carbon , titanium , graphite , velcro and other highly technical but very strong lightweight substances — it resembles scaffolding , but the Americans wear it as a fashion accessory on top of the trousers !
7 A good illustration of ‘ intended ’ is found in the case of Childs v Coghlan ( 1968 ) 112 Sol Jo 175 where a 30 ton earth mover which was made for use on construction sites and not roads was held to be a motor vehicle .
8 Then it would be mixed with the hot water in a possing tub , which was made from wood in the early days , but eventually we acquired a zinc one .
9 Can I just draw people 's attention to the very last point which was made in case any one sending large sums of cash through the post office , erm , it , it 's been running for a long time
10 ‘ We have two wills on file , ’ Timothy Hutton said , reaching the end of whatever internal debate he had been having , ‘ but the second , which was made in anticipation of her marriage to Mr Hawick , can not of course be submitted for Probate since that marriage did not take place .
11 This conclusion is similar to the criticism of classical foundationalism which was made in chapter 4 .
12 In an attempt to defend his position he secured election to Parliament for Bletchingley the following year and immediately introduced a bill , which was lost in committee , for the easier supply of saltpetre .
13 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in Ayrshire we are extremely proud of the new hospital which was built from start to finish within five years , a record for anywhere in the country ?
14 Behind it was a stone wall on which was written in bronze letters the motto of the Legion , ‘ Legio Patria Nostra ’ .
15 There is nothing authoritative about Greek , but there is about the New Testament which was written in Greek .
16 The software , which was written by CAD Centre in Cambridge , gives pictures and patterns of finished shoes on a high-quality monitor screen .
17 At the request of the army the Collective State Presidency again held an extraordinary session on May 7 which was attended by Marcovic and the Kadijevic but not by Tudjman , who was in London for talks with United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd .
18 The Islamic Development Bank held its annnual meeting in Cairo on May 28-29 which was attended by Finance Ministers representing all 44 member countries except Iraq .
19 At the Party Conference held at the end of April the Bolsheviks officially repudiated even the most heavily qualified support for the Provisional Government and adopted Lenin 's programme which was disseminated in crisp , clear , and hard-hitting language .
20 His involvement with bridge building started in 1767 , when he was appointed surveyor to direct the widening of the English bridge in Shrewsbury to a design by Robert Mylne [ q.v. ] and then , when that project was abandoned , submitted a design for the new bridge which was rejected in favour of that by John Gwynn [ q.v . ] .
21 There was also a large collection of some 3000 pottery sherds , representing about 350 different vessels , which was studied in detail by John Gillam ( 1950 Report pp. 24 — 40 ) and remains one of the most important late groups ever published in Britain .
22 She was matron of the large Dufferin Hospital which was bombed on Christmas Day , and in fear eighty of her Burmese nurses fled , leaving her with two English sisters , and a few good Anglo-Indian nurses .
23 Silicon Valley Group Inc , San Jose and Canon Inc have agreed a 10-year partnership to develop and produce advanced deep ultraviolet step-and-scan photolithography equipment : under the agreement , Silicon Valley Group , which was saved from oblivion with the help of IBM Corp , will retain full ownership of its Micrascan technology , and Canon will license the technology to market in Japan and other Pacific Rim nations , with the exception of Korea .
24 The style of the place was very much mid-seventies , a long open-plan corridor of painted brick which was saved from cheapness by the rich texture of the veneered doors and woodwork of the offices down its length .
25 Acting on this belief , he has : taken one of the most outspoken current-affairs programmes , ‘ Vzglyad ’ ( Outlook ) , off the air ; confiscated the property of the independent news agency Interfax , which was saved from closure only by the intervention of Boris Yeltsin and the Moscow city council ; suspended a free-thinking television news show called ‘ TSN ’ ; and consigned Radio Russia , Mr Yeltsin 's mouthpiece , to a frequency where most of the population can not hear it begin its broadcasts with phrases like ‘ In another move reminiscent of Stalinism , President Gorbachev today … ’
26 After negotiations with the administration the Senate approved on Sept. 27 anti-drugs funding of more than $3,000 million as part of the fiscal 1990 transportation appropriations bill , which was cleared by Congress on Oct. 31 and signed into law on Nov. 21 .
27 A 39 year old woman presented in March 1989 with inflammatory breast cancer , which was treated with combination chemotherapy followed by surgery and radiotherapy .
28 Eleven children were excluded because of severe problems in the operated ear , which was treated by insertion of a long stay Goode type tympanostomy tube instead of a Shepard tube .
29 The only food the two were allowed yesterday was an experimental high-fat meal of Complan and Mars Bars , which was followed with blood tests to see how their digestion copes .
30 Trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London , which was followed by repertory theatre in various parts of the country , national tours , and theatre abroad , Vienna , Stockholm , the Caribbean , and a British Council tour of Betrayal in Switzerland and Portugal .
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