Example sentences of "which might [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The particular contrast between , peaceful and violent action in which I am interested falls outside any simple dichotomy which might distinguish between a state of war and peace .
2 The apples were harvested in autumn by using long poles to shake the branches of the trees , and then reduced to pulp in a cider mill , which might vary from a small hand machine to a large mill driven by horsepower .
3 However , there are countervailing forces which might result in a lower volume of services .
4 Had Pardy , in a nutshell , just been carried away and thoughtless — which might result in a lesser charge — or had he set out to harm Harriet with such deadly results that this might even finish up as a trial for manslaughter ?
5 Although this his been the opposite of what was generally intended , there seems to be little sign of any reappraisal of rural planning controls which might result in a reversal of current trends .
6 A client is entitled to have his affairs treated with complete confidentiality ( save with his consent , or where the solicitor 's duty is overridden by his public duty to disclose matters tending to the commission of a crime or to disclose information in response to a sub poena or witness summons ) and the retained solicitor is under a duty to ensure that his co-partners and staff do nothing which might result in a breach of that rule .
7 Some South Yorkshire policemen have already been served with discipline papers — an early notification of any complaint which might lead to a disciplinary hearing — by West Midlands officers investigating handling of the disaster .
8 This is an opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships by securing board membership from a linked company , or to begin the process of negotiation which might lead to a productive partnership where none exists thus far .
9 Battle and a whole belt of Wealden parishes produced no response at all ; since the data were collected by the local parish clergy , the low level of response is hardly surprising , farmers as a rule having a dim view of requests for information which might lead to a rise in taxes or tithes .
10 The Divisional Court in that case distinguished between the obtaining of evidence for use in a trial , ‘ direct ’ material , which constituted ‘ testimony ’ under that Act and which would be gathered in response to a Letter of Request , and the obtaining of ‘ indirect ’ material , which might lead to a line of enquiry pointing to actual evidence ; the English courts would not assist a foreign court to obtain such ‘ indirect ’ material .
11 Ho responded immediately to this newspaper article by proposing various measures which might lead to a return to normality and to the hopeful provisions of the modus vivendi , not least an end to the press and radio incitements from both sides , but whether at this stage Ho and Blum were in the saddle or not , things were beginning to fall apart .
12 It also takes up a lot of memory for OPEN , remembering all states which might lead to a solution .
13 The most accessible data which might serve as a yardstick is that on applicants ' type of educational establishment .
14 Therefore Athens and Sparta must be played against each other , and their troops preferably used , not against each other ( which might end in a definite result ) , but against Macedon 's frontier enemies .
15 In the heady days immediately following the Keynesian revolution , many of Keynes 's followers began to express concern at the consequences which might flow from a commitment to full employment .
16 The timely award of an extension of time may avoid problems which might arise at a later stage when a contractor submits a claim for taking extraordinary measures to recover lost time owing to the late issue of an instruction , for example .
17 The letters said that the payments were made without prejudice to any right to recover them which might arise as a result of legal proceedings .
18 Regional policy has thus been amended in accordance with a perceived need to deal with the growing regional disparities which might arise as a consequence of the SEM .
19 Bob Shorter , the contracts director for Highland Health Board , said the news was encouraging , but stressed that money to cover running costs would be just as important as money which might pay for a new hospital .
20 Have any events taken place in the last ten years which might call for a reassessment of that view or a more optimistic response in your work ?
21 Once she kept me hanging around for an hour and a half , which might sound like a backward step , but you have to remember she was sitting in a place of her own choice , and was taking it all in .
22 This , it was suggested , could lead to a situation of ‘ dual power ’ , which might come to a head over the ‘ nationalisation ’ of some foreign-owned factory which would be ‘ occupied ’ on behalf of the Irish nation .
23 Such amplifiers needed a supply of compressed air , which might come from a hand-pump , an electric motor , or cylinders of compressed gas ( 52 ) .
24 However , with the solitary exception of Sophie Haibel 's mention of ‘ extraordinary grimaces with his mouth , ’ which might qualify for a complex motor tic , Simkin then proceeds to deflate his argument by begging the question when he assigns inappropriately several examples of Mozart 's humorous hyperactivity to the category of motor ‘ Tourettisms . ’
25 Up to five stages in the life cycle could be identified , each of which might respond to a different agent .
26 At no time have I been able to see anything cither Nazi or necessarily homosexual in the listed pleasures , which are precisely of the kind which might occur in a George MacDonald fantasy .
27 In contrast , any misfortune which might happen to a person accused before a spirit might be attributed to sorcery .
28 Mark your possessions with your postcode — the police will then give you a window sticker , which might act as a deterrent .
29 This means not only avoiding the use of words which might amount to a resignation on your part , but also checking whether words that apparently mean that your job has ended were actually intended to have that effect .
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