Example sentences of "which still [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 The Conservatives ' desperation to devise a counter-programme for the land , and the disagreements it provoked , demonstrate the degree of confusion which still existed in the Conservative ranks and the immense problems they still faced before the ‘ rampant omnibus ’ of the Great War rescued them by running down their opponents .
2 The day was high and bright , the salt tang seasoning the after-pulse of summer heat which still hung in the air , but nothing could shift my sense of despondency , nagging depression .
3 We therefore argued that given the radical nature of women acting as independent agents , action which still flies in the face of dominant ideologies and which challenges the nature of the family , it is astonishing how much progress women have made in this period .
4 When Watkins put forward his observations regarding remnants of prehistoric alignments in Britain he ran head-on into official archaeological thinking which still believed in the Piltdown Man .
5 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
6 Here again the old north to south and east to west through-roads were diverted to pass through the new market place , so producing the dangerous corners which still exist in the town today .
7 Wycliffe took the sergeant to lunch at his hotel and they sat by the great window overlooking the sea , which still sparkled in the sun .
8 We do n't have to talk literature , y'know — I 'd as leave hear news of America , parts of which still linger in the Carboniferous Age , I understand . ’
9 Coaches on the way to Hastings made their last stop for horses at Battle 's George Hotel , where the ostler lived in a tiny cottage which still stands in the yard , to be roused by the bell outside his front door .
10 First , as a criticism of the sheer impracticability of the grandiose project Owen had in 1833 put to the Grand Moral Union of the Productive Classes and which still survived in the objectives though not in the activities of its even shorter-lived successor , the Grand National Consolidated Trade Union , the Webbs ' case succeeds .
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