Example sentences of "which go make [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With stupefaction one thinks of the wholesale slaughter of ducks and chickens , of pheasant and quail , the shiploads of Dover sole and the immense cargoes of foie gras from France , of caviare from Russia , the crates of champagne and the tons of truffles , which went to make up a single day 's entertainment in the great hotels of Europe .
2 First , by drawing a distinction between what it regarded as the natural ( and therefore genuine ) core of religion and the complex of authorities , traditions , institutions and doctrines which went to make up the forms of Christianity , it implied that much , indeed very much of the latter was redundant and could safely be jettisoned .
3 While these various groups which went to make up the hierarchy were mutually interdependent , the basic principle on which society was organized was this formal system of ranking .
4 Many of the fragments which go to make up a scoria cone are individually big enough to be called ‘ blocks ’ or ‘ bombs ’ , according to the simple size classification .
5 Among the lexical units which go to make up a lexeme it is possible to distinguish some that are more basic , or central , and others that are less so .
6 Some of these rules are concerned with the different components which go to make up a traditional story — the kind of story which is orally handed down from generation to generation .
7 The Met Office regards last summer as one of those exceptions from the norm which go to make up the typical British weather rather than some trend for the future .
8 Later , it is important to try to understand and work through the different strands of feeling which go to make up the total experience of loss .
9 Though he does not develop the metaphor , Paul would , I think , agree with the fuller details to be found in I Peter : individual Christians are spiritual stones which go to make up the spiritual temple which is built on Christ ( I Pet .
10 Breton and Wintrobe object to the assumption that the factors which go to make up the bureaucrat 's utility function — salary , ‘ perks ’ , and so on — are necessarily a positive monotonic function of the total budget .
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