Example sentences of "which will be [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Inglewood , California-based Locus Computing Corp , has introduced Transparent Network Computing environment , TNC , the latest incarnation of its transport-independent distributed systems architecture ( UX No 271 ) , which will be competing for space with similar technologies from NobleNet Inc and Covia Technologies Inc ( UX No 395 ) .
2 Babies also become human adults ; the significance of which will be reserved for the next section .
3 What it does mean is that each employer will identify a specific number of vacancies which will be reserved for Compact graduates before being offered more widely .
4 If that is repeated in we would expect about five hundred thousand pounds to be included in next year 's , that 's the ninety five six , special transitional grant in respect of erm er the independent living fund so that 's quite a significant increase next which will be scheduled for the year after the budget we are now considering .
5 The flowers will be harvested in September for their seeds which will be crushed for oil .
6 Production of the two aircraft is scheduled to rise from 35-40 a year to 50 aircraft by 1992 , 60 per cent of which will be acounted for by the BAe 1000 .
7 ‘ We are building a team at Hillsborough which will be challenging for all the honours in the game .
8 Banks and building societies will repossess and resell over 100,000 homes this year , many of which will be bought for prices well below those of similar properties in the area .
9 This is the document which will be going for audit , and er that 's on the agenda a little bit later , erm , on the last financial year .
10 This conclusion can be re-expressed in two ways , both of which will be needed for future discussions .
11 Accordingly , I require you to provide an alternative specimen , which will be submitted for laboratory analysis .
12 ( 3 ) If you are still unfit for work after this period of being paid either Statutory Sick Pay or Sickness Benefit you will transfer to Invalidity Benefit which will be paid for as long as you remain unfit for work .
13 I set out below the additional information which will be required for the week commencing [ date ] .
14 It says it has half a dozen ports of packages to GL from large software house which will be released for PX/Iris GL users within three months — it 'll also help smaller firms without its marketing muscle bring their applications to market under PX/Iris GL , which is priced at £3,250 for a development licence — £320 for a run-time version .
15 In addition we shall have our special Fund-Raising Event , which will be designed for you all to participate in , physically or financially ; we hope it will be a fun-thing to watch !
16 Marketing chiefs ‘ have been looking at the mathematics and have worked out that volume counts , ’ says Cunningham , pointing to Unix 's one million a year run rate against the huge base of Windows users — increasing at one million a month — many of which will be targeted for NT .
17 Few of Ireland 's great Ascendancy houses , perhaps no more than 50 , remain in private family occupation : one of the most significant , Stackallan , in County Meath , is a rare early-18th-century , pre-Palladian pile in the Boyne valley between Navan and Slane , which will be offered for sale later this month .
18 Either English for Business ( First Level ) or English for Commerce ( First Level ) must be passed for the First Level Certificate in Commercial Studies award ( which will be offered for the first time in 1993 ) .
19 Each aluminium can you collect will buy one square metre of tropical forest which will be preserved for future generations .
20 Their hard work , efficiency and friendliness helped to produce a day which will be remembered for a long time by all those who took part .
21 After playing catch-me-if-you-can for so long , it looks as though Sun Microsystems Inc is only going to get a month 's headstart over the pack of Sparc-compatible builders which will be gunning for its superscalar Sparcstation 10 market — if US firm Pinnacle Data Systems Inc , Columbus , Ohio , has its way .
22 The cash will be used to buy a computer which will be adapted for use by disabled children .
23 In addition to this there are four prestigious galleries which will be used for a changing programme of exhibitions devoted to all aspects of industrial fishing addressing local , national and international topics .
24 A Greek firm has bought three Skyships , which will be used for coastal patrol and leased to Olympic Airways for luxury tourist travel in the Greek Islands .
25 The company is currently debt-free with a cash reserve of $31m , some of which will be used for acquisitions .
26 Terms were not disclosed , although the tabloid did say that it has received a capital injection from Duna , which will be used for investment purposes .
27 It is this ‘ half ’ ( actually in terms of population rather more than half ) of Tyneside which will be used for trend analysis .
28 Rather than providing separate certificates for each , along the lines of the existing National Certificate , it has been decided to introduce one unit-based certificate which will be used for all units .
29 To give a practical example of infringement , consider the following situation : An inventor A has invented a new type of computer " chip " and a new process which will be used for making those chips .
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