Example sentences of "which have [been] use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The majority will receive the ‘ Operation Enterprise ’ pack which has been used for a number of years and is known to the movement .
2 The ERNIE machine is a modern computerized form of sampling by ‘ random numbers ’ which has been used for many years in research .
3 Notice that the design which has been used for weaving does not show as with the sample woven with the smooth yarn , always select simple designs for weaving because the pattern in the fabric results almost entirely from the yarn and not from the needle selection .
4 The main method which has been used for obtaining chromosome preparations from pre-implantation embryos is again that of Tarkowski ( 5 ) and it is described in Table 2 .
5 Products of this research include a quarterly version of this model and the world annual model , which has been used for a variety of policy regimes including the EMS version .
6 That is the area which has been used for the last five or six years as the basis of the And that outer boundary more or less coincides with the outer boundary erm of the York greenbelt .
7 Mr Wood has helped to nurse back to health badgers injured on the road or found orphaned but he has never come across one which has been used for baiting .
8 a vehicle which has been used on roads outside Great Britain , while it is being driven after its importation into Great Britain on the journey from the place where it has arrived in Great Britain to a place of residence of the owner or the journey from any such place where , by previous arrangement , the vehicle will be provided with such anchorage points and seat belts as will comply with requirements of this regulation ; or
9 One of these is run in a large old house in its own grounds in North London which has been used as a private Mother and Baby Home since the late 1920s .
10 Another form of repo which has been used at times of particularly heavy tax receipts by the government is one undertaken directly with the banks .
11 The data can be revealing : one technique which has been used by HMI is to follow two classes in a given year group : the one with the highest attendance and the one with the lowest .
12 The main reason that Marslen-Wilson and Tyler give for rejecting the idea that context can operate before any sensory information is received is one which has been used by many other theorists , including Fodor ( 1983 ) .
13 Retirement Relief is normally available on the disposal of a business asset by an individual which has been used by his family company .
14 The laminated ball is fractionally lighter than the leather one which has been used by the Scottish League under its contractual agreement with another firm , Mitre , for the last 14 years .
15 The plant oil closely resembles sperm-whale oil , which has been used in cosmetics for many years .
16 Galbraith ( 1983 ) outlines the aims and methods of contact tracing which has been used in recent years in the UK in relation to sexually transmitted disease and tuberculosis , and during limited outbreaks of typhoid fever , diphtheria and Lassa fever ; and Brookbanks & Hampstead ( 1987 ) describe contact tracing related to hepatitis B.
17 ( It is possible that the Chinese qinghaosu , a natural drug derived from the medicinal herb quinghao , Artemisia annua , which has been used in China for at least 2000 years , may prove useful . )
18 This medium is the one which has been used in many laboratory experiments on this plant .
19 It is also worth working out a scale of charges which can be used if an author or editor asks to buy equipment which has been used in tests for a book or for a comparative feature .
20 Asked about increasing pressure to re-introduce internment , Sir Patrick said : ‘ Internment is a power which has been used in the past both north and south of the border .
21 In the absence of a joint election by the vendor and Newco under s531(3) TA 1988 , " know-how " which has been used in the trade and which is disposed of is treated as part of goodwill .
22 Prof Anatol Pikas , of Uppsala University , Sweden , pioneered the shared concern method of tackling bullying which has been used in Scandinavia and England .
23 If we adopt the more expansive conception of democracy which has been used throughout this book , the case is even stronger .
24 This particular measure is the square of the correlation coefficient which has been used throughout Chapters 4 and 5 .
25 The top coin shows Henry VII ( 1485-1509 ) ; it is the same generic royal image which had been used for two centuries , as can be seen from the close similarity of the image used by Edward I ( compare fig. 3 ) .
26 James chatting with the Earl of Farrow outside Farrow Hall , which had been used for many of the exterior shots in Pemberley .
27 The earliest Quaker meeting-houses , such as Jordans in Buckinghamshire , Colthouse in Lancashire , Skipton in Yorkshire , and Marazion in Cornwall , were built in the vernacular style of the late seventeenth century and closely resembled the farm buildings which had been used for Quaker services prior to 1688 .
28 As early as 1914 , arrangements for building new sick wards , that is , a workhouse infirmary , had been progressing , and in October , some sheds which had been used for wood chopping and storage were demolished to make way for the building of the new sick pavilions .
29 Before the Christmas break , we fitted in two more FIS downhills at Altenmarkt , on a course which had been used for a women 's world cup .
30 Eventually Maxim 's improvised and placed some leeks , which had been used for consomme " , in front of the King .
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