Example sentences of "which a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 For example , they may frequently be given a role in maintaining employment and thus helping to preserve the political accommodations between classes upon which a successful response to the crisis depends ; this may conflict with their central role in the restructuring of industries in crisis .
2 They saw the role of the state not merely as a set of instrumentalities for securing material welfare but as the focus of a sense of community and citizenship , an institution in which a good common to all classes and recognizable to all interest groups could be articulated .
3 When required to learn a further discrimination involving these same cues but a different response ( for example , a reversal in which a simple push to the previously non-rewarded cue now yielded reward ) the animals pre-trained with the larger magnitude response learned more readily .
4 It is , however , Proust 's much longer novel , In Search of Lost Time ( Remembrance of Things Past ) , in which a similar enterprise to Wordsworth 's is undertaken for the benefit of our century .
5 A dreary diet of lessons based upon textbook and worksheet is never going to inspire children to regard schooling with enthusiasm , nor will it provide the base on which a personal commitment to learning can be built .
6 True it was that the plaintiff did not undertake to do any work additional to that which he had originally undertaken to do but the terms on which he was to carry out the work were varied and , in my judgment , that variation was supported by consideration which a pragmatic approach to the true relationship between the parties readily demonstrates .
7 What is , however , in both our interest and that of the country is to work with others to assemble the ideas around which a non-socialist alternative to the Conservatives can be constructed . ’
8 Furthermore , the symptoms of even full-blown affective psychosis and schizophrenia overlap considerably , suggesting that they simply represent different ways in which a common tendency to insanity can manifest itself .
9 Thus , after two days in which a negotiated settlement to the original squabble seemed possible , an ultimatum to the Vietminh to clear out of Haiphong in two hours led to a bombardment which must have killed at least 1,000 people , many if not most of whom would be described as innocent civilians .
10 This recommendation , which has not been implemented , appears to accept that legal need can be defined by reference to the existence of a legal problem on which an individual wishes to be advised , albeit that part of the half-hour would be used to examine the case and determine the ‘ need ’ for further advice .
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