Example sentences of "which be [v-ing] in the " in BNC.

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1 . Right , so the company that we work for is and they are one of the a number of companies which are operating in the fleet driver training market , and erm they we pren presently have the contract with for this f f course of defensive driver training .
2 ‘ Coincidentally , we are now seeing coming out of Eastern Europe that same broad attitude being adopted , not only by the democratic socialists and social democratic parties which are emerging in the East , but also amongst the reform wings of the old Communist parties led by a new generation who realise the command economy Stalinist game is completely up .
3 Sometimes , too , there was evidence on these cards of the conflicts which were raging in the minds of the garrison .
4 Yanto laughed as he realised his shoulders were covered with fish scales which were flashing in the dim light of the oil lamp .
5 His love of Britain and wholehearted support for the fight against Fascism gave his films an urgency and richness which were lacking in the few he made after the war .
6 During the reign of Charles I there was a great flood of emigrants to North America and the West Indies , and a third type of colony appeared in addition to the colonies for English settlement and the trading posts which needed political power to function effectively : the colonies which were emerging in the West Indies were beginning to turn into plantations in the modern sense in which Englishmen directed the labour of other people .
7 This is not just because the terms Whig and Tory were not to become current usage until the Exclusion Crisis , but because the political polarities which were emerging in the 1660s and 1670s — between Court and Country — did not predict the Whig–Tory split that was to emerge after the Popish Plot .
8 There is little trace left of York 's truly ancient coaching , posting and market inns , while nearly half the pubs which were standing in the 1950s , including some historic gems , have been closed down , converted , or redeveloped into oblivion .
9 It was held that property in the incomplete ship passed on payment of the first instalment but that no property passed at that time in some materials which were Lying in the ship yard and might be used in the ship 's construction .
10 And , as before , the result is an emphatic tone which is lacking in the example which does not involve reformulation .
11 There is no doubt that some cells can exhibit chemotaxis , that is , move towards the source of chemical which is diffusing in the medium .
12 It now makes perfect sense to give a remedy that is capable of bringing about the same or very similar healing responses , that is symptoms , to the healing response which is occurring in the patient as shown by his individual symptoms .
13 Most importantly , the event will be experienced by them as a reality which is happening in the here and now and not as a replay of frightening and damaging early experiences .
14 We will continue to pursue policies designed to alleviate social needs , to promote equity of treatment and to widen the sense of common purpose which is growing in the Province .
15 Which was smarting in the eye and she went to hospital to have her eye rinsed and all that .
16 We know from archaeology that Birka was at the northern end of a flourishing trade route which was beginning in the 830s and 840s to bring in huge quantities of silver from the Muslim-controlled trade routes between Byzantium and China .
17 Whereas in much of eastern Europe , which was moving in the same direction , enserfment seems to have been the response of a very powerful nobility to a labour shortage ( made more acute in areas responding to the growing Western market for grain ) , in Russia the State clearly played a greater role .
18 A good indication of what was passing through his mind in the aftermath of Barricades Week is provided by a letter that he wrote to his son in mid-February : " we had to be done with the impertinent pressure of the European population in Algiers , with the hard core of politicians which was forming in the army , and finally with the myth of " French Algeria " which merely disguises the desire of the " pieds noirs " to maintain their domination over the Muslims …
19 He glanced at the head , which was resting in the crook of his right arm .
20 This measure provided in part the financial discipline which was lacking in the budgets of earlier years .
21 Connolly 's observation is often taken to confirm him as a better judge of literature than of politics , but in many ways he was remarkably prescient : Home was indeed ‘ honourably ineligible ’ for the new age which was dawning in the Tory party .
22 We might well have to wait for six months before we found a prahu which was heading in the right direction .
23 After negotiating a long , sweeping left hand bend the car collided with a lorry which was travelling in the opposite direction . ’
24 Even the most cursory of examinations of the minutes of the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party indicates the feverish activity which was occurring in the immediate post-war years and , in these early days , it was to be expected that mistakes would be made and that new directions would be sought .
25 The Save the Children Fund , which was working in the camps , made a report which exposed the scandal of the Ethiopian camps .
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