Example sentences of "which be [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 The hay is laid across the poles ( which are supported on the trestles ) and lower wire triangle , leaving a small air space where the hay meets in the middle of the tripod .
2 Finally , it is evident that Duguit 's theory of law is far removed from those theories which are built on the assumption of the priority of individual rights .
3 The approval package does not contain module(s) which are listed on the DC(s) active via the package .
4 The image is formed by as many as 1.5 million individually addressed pixels which are defined on the surface of the glass sheets during processing .
5 There are two types of TCR , αβ TCR and γ TCR , which are expressed on the surface of distinct subsets of T lymphocytes that seem to be derived from different cell lineages .
6 The company is selling the building , which houses the Toronto Stock Exchange , back to its bankers to repay holders of C$300m of short-term securities , which are secured on the building .
7 This is an insurance policy that buys funds which are invested on the stock market .
8 Accreditation is of little relevance to those who compete for senior academic posts , which are decided on the basis of academic achievement .
9 I had a particular gift with the tarot cards … not using the traditional interpretations which are given on the back of any £5-pack from W H Smiths .
10 But his account of natural philosophy , which rejects any inner mechanisms or real essences ‘ hid … behind the scenes ’ which would purport to explain ‘ those appearances which are seen on the theatre of the world ’ , is a clear example too .
11 A corporate finance client will only enjoy the benefit of modified Conduct of Business rules imposed on the Firm rather than the full Conduct of Business Rules which are imposed on the Firm when dealing with Investment Business clients .
12 Children learn to listen by following instructions for the activities , which are recorded on the accompanying cassette .
13 The concept of motor skill is associated , with the development of longer and more complex patterns of activity which can be reeled off following a single trigger and which are monitored on the basis that only feedback which indicates errors needs attention .
14 The digital images held in the memory banks are converted to television signals which are displayed on the monitor .
15 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
16 ‘ Well , you ca n't really define good humbuckers any more , so I just sent the Seymour Duncans which are based on the originals , made the exact same way that the original humbuckers were . ’
17 Despite these various arguments suggesting high unemployment from rapid technical change which are based on the foundation laid by him , Leontief has himself , with a colleague ( Leontief and Duchin 1983 ) , recently published the results of a survey of the likely effects of new technology on the US economy up to the year 2000 which concludes that , far from there being net job losses , there will be a substantial rise in the aggregate labour force over this period due to the rapid take-up of the technology .
18 The 1980 Survey 's section on the elderly was asked only of those aged 65 and over , and therefore tables in this chapter which are based on the 1980 data include only the sub sample in this age band .
19 In addition to reinforcing our general conceptions concerning the underpinnings of liberalism , economic theories , which are based on the assumption of ‘ rational economic man ’ , highlight especially the notion of human beings as self-regarding creatures which underpins liberal theories in general .
20 I find too that circumstances compel a socialist Council like Harlow to be constrained and constricted when building , there are too many laws and regulations which are based on the fact that , for instance , today 's government thinks that people who rent houses are second class citizens .
21 mass forms of musical practice which are based on the musical activity of many people interacting at the same time and in the same way — forms which structure bodily movements and processes , and which enable bodily experience to become an aesthetically mediated pleasure ( ibid : 228 ) .
22 In recent years sociolinguists have shown a fair amount of interest in models of variation and change which are based on the notion of lexical diffusion ( Chen 1976 ; Wang 1969 ; Labov 1981 ; J. Milroy 1981b ; Trudgill 1986a : 58 ) .
23 One of the themes of this book is that measures of poverty which are based on the family or the household as the unit of measurement can not accurately reflect the true extent of poverty among women because they take no account of what happens inside the family .
24 It is the Department of Water and Drainage that co-ordinates the response to oil pollution events that might occur in the coastline and it is also responsible for the sewage disposal installations which are based on the coast .
25 The research consists of two inter-linked projects on Employment and Ageing , which are based on the re-analysis of two large Government data sets : the General Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey .
26 ‘ Pure ’ relational calculus is difficult for non-mathematicians , but more user-oriented languages which are based on the relational calculus are easier to use .
27 Article 5 obliges state parties to take all appropriate measures to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women , with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudice , customs and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or superiority of either sexes .
28 There are two types of relaxation time ( T1 and T2 ) , which are based on the sensitivity of the hydrogen ions to their local molecular environment .
29 The acquisition search service provided by MAS is based on the list of companies for sale which are held on the Accountants ' Business Network database jointly shared by the major accounting firms .
30 The Economic Development Division maintains its own filing system ; all other divisions use the central filing system for official correspondence and papers except for certain specialised project files which are held on the divisions .
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