Example sentences of "which be [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Consumer goods are those ‘ which are ordinarily intended for private use or consumption ’ but the following are excluded : growing crops , things comprised in land by being attached to it , water , food , feeding stuff or fertiliser , gas supplied by persons authorised under the Gas Act 1986 , aircraft ( other than hang-gliders ) motor vehicles , controlled drugs , licensed medicinal products and tobacco .
2 Legislative power is vested in the unicameral House of Representatives , which has 80 seats , 24 of which are nominally reserved for Turkish Cypriots but are not filled .
3 There are some published lists of subject headings which are plainly intended for a special purpose .
4 We accept liability for our driver 's fidelity under clearly set out conditions which are easily amended for special circumstances ( plus relevant insurances ) .
5 All assets built up during the marriage should be regarded as jointly owned and therefore jointly divided on divorce , apart from those which are clearly intended for one party or the other through a specific gift or bequest .
6 Now a couple of problems which are frequently taken for fungus trouble , but which in fact are not , so perhaps we should talk about them here , between the fungus diseases and the physiological disorders .
7 These are one-year full-time courses which are normally designed for sixteen-year-olds .
8 Under the terms of the 1982 Constitution legislative authority is vested in the National People 's Congress ( NPC ) , the members ( approximately 3,000 ) of which are indirectly elected for five years .
9 A lot of accidents occur on slides , for instance , which are mostly designed for use by seven to 12-year-olds , but which in practice are used more by preschoolers .
10 Most of this fibre is from cereal sources which are particularly recommended for their health value by some leading medical researchers .
11 Virtually all the TECs still rely on government budgets which are heavily earmarked for ET and YTS .
12 To create more of an atmosphere , you could invite some of your ardent fans to indulge in the free drinks and snacks which are generally provided for the guests , along with a band publicity pack .
13 The most critical ingredient for successful micromanipulation is good instruments ( see Section 9 ) , which are correctly aligned for use .
14 There are no genuine transnational political parties , though there appears to be a growing interest in international associations of parties , which are sometimes mistaken for transnational parties .
15 But whatever we may take or reject from Freud , what I think we should not lose is the way in which he raises questions and problematises things which are sometimes taken for granted .
16 The reinforced waves reflected by all the small crystallites produce diffraction rings , or haloes , which are sharply defined for highly crystalline materials and become increasingly diffuse when the amorphous content is high .
17 The Quetzal swims in the middle layers of the water , and feeds on vegetable matter and insects , sometimes picking at rocks — if you look closely you will see the anterior teeth , clearly visible , which are ideally suited for such browsing .
18 Experimental machines with this capability , and which are deliberately designed for operator programming , are already being developed by a group under the direction of Professor Howard Rosenbrock at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology .
19 The ordinary shares are the equity provided to management and therefore rank last in priority ( subject only to the deferred shares , which are often used for the purpose of a ratchet mechanism ) .
20 Ask to see the ones which are specially made for video cameras .
21 If you are using one or more ‘ editing decks ’ , that is VCRs which have features which are specially provided for facilitating the editing of video , you will be able to assemble your tapes quickly and reasonably accurately with one of the more basic edit controllers — or even none at all .
22 In the case of Melia tessellata , these pincers , which are specially adapted for holding the anemones without damaging them , are otherwise occupied .
23 These are miniature electret mikes which are specially recommended for speech recording when the microphone should be visually unobtrusive .
24 About the number of authors who write that ‘ the Champagne vineyards are confined to the belemnite-rich chalk and that the lower beds , where belemnites are lacking , produce inferior grapes which are never used for Champagne ’ , he comments : ‘ They infer that the Campanian has some special but undefined property which makes it superior for vine-growing .
25 ‘ External ’ or ‘ visitor-related ’ resources include the enquiry , staff-contact , educational , interpretive and exhibition services , which are mainly provided for visitors or other external users .
26 The nervous system is composed essentially of ramifying neuroglial cells with supporting and nutritive functions ( Wigglesworth , 1960 ; Smith , 1967 ) and the more numerous neurons , which are highly specialized for the relatively rapid generation and conduction of electrochemical nervous impulses ( Pipa , 1961 ; Landolt , 1965 ; Chiarodo , 1969 ; Sohal et al. , 1972 ) .
27 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral National Parliament , the 38 members of which are popularly elected for up to four years .
28 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral National Parliament , the 38 members of which are popularly elected for up to four years .
29 which are only made for export .
30 Several features of the older age groups which are currently taken for granted , including the predominance of women and the stereotype of the elderly spinster , in part reflect cohort effects ; future generations are unlikely to display these trends to the same degree .
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