Example sentences of "which be [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The issues addressed are those which are to the fore in the care and education of couples during pregnancy , childbirth and the neonatal period .
2 They are concerned with a statutory form of control rather than the common law , and did not mention the House of Lords ' decisions which are to the contrary .
3 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
4 On the whole , however , it is submitted that a judicial is preferable to a statutory re-definition , because the existing law , although imprecise , is founded on the right principle , that continuance in perpetuity and exemption from tax should be allowed to those purposes and those alone which are for the benefit of the public .
5 Any disregard of this may provide the minority shareholders with a claim under s459 Companies Act 1985 , under which they may complain against resolutions of the company which are for the benefit not of the company as a whole , but of the majority shareholders alone .
6 The LA has the power to revoke , suspend , curtail or prematurely terminate a licence if the holder has ( a ) broken any conditions attaching to his licence , or ( b ) been convicted of any offences which are of the type relevant to determination of the applicant 's fitness to hold a licence in the first place , or ( c ) been made bankrupt or gone into liquidation .
7 The frequencies lie within ranges which are of the order of one Cycle in 10 , 20 and 60 seconds .
8 Just outside the Upper Gate is the attractive Heiligblut ( Holy Blood ) pilgrimage chapel of 1674–5 , with a series of biblical scenes on its wooden ceiling which are of the period .
9 15 year old Andrew Stribblehill told SRN that the railway had locomotives at its disposal for operating trains , which are of the passenger and freight types .
10 For in those matters which are beyond the reach of absolute knowledge , it is within the province of man 's own responsibility to decide what , for the time being , can be or can not be accepted as truth , and , as there can be a Created God , so can that God be the product of created truth .
11 Many LDCs ' projects involve advanced technology on ‘ greenfield ’ sites , e.g. petrochemical complexes , integrated iron and steel works , which are beyond the capital resources and acceptable risk levels of private corporations or investors .
12 Design signifies architectural design in this context , although such a review raises issues in town planning and housing policy which are beyond the scope of this paper , and which have been addressed in part by others .
13 Inadequate pre-school provision in the neighbourhood , poor play facilities for children in the evenings and holidays , the poor state of fencing on local stretches of railway or canal are things which , although vital to parents and children , are issues which are beyond the control of the school .
14 Whilst it is not possible to conceive of a designing system which can take into account influences which are beyond the designer 's knowledge and comprehension , it is possible to generate a fundamental design procedure in which all relationships , known to the designer , are " captured " and tested for .
15 This vision , what Eliot called Kipling 's knowledge ‘ of the things which are underneath , and of the things which are beyond the frontier , , was what made some of Kipling 's short stories so important to the writer of The Waste Land .
16 is making average weekly earnings which are below the level at which NI contributions must be paid ( £52 from 6th April 1991 ) .
17 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
18 It is subject partly to the normal economic mechanisms , some of which are under the control of central governments through fiscal and monetary instruments .
19 Although there have been innovations in social care provision , which are outside the range of this book to review , there is still a tendency to fit people to services rather than vice versa .
20 It also follows that witchcraft regularly appears in disputes which are outside the law .
21 Notes seem to be introduced which are outside the system , yet when we investigate his methods we find that what is seemingly haphazard is in reality well planned : As will be seen , apart from grouping notes 6–9 normally , the rest is made up by omitting notes from chords and then introducing them later on .
22 ( Compare non-absolute transfers , or sales by way of mortgages which are outside the scope of the SGA 1979 but must nevertheless comply with the Bills of Sale ( 1878 ) Amendment Act 1882 ) .
23 Those areas which are outside the rail buffer , RAILBUF , are removed ( to give ERASRG ) , and next the conservation areas , CONSV ( to give ERASRGC ) .
24 The ACA Form of Building Agreement was published in 1982 and , unlike most JCT contracts , requires the contractor to take all risks which are outside the control of the client or the architect .
25 However , we can see that their position also is constructed largely by factors which are outside the control of individuals .
26 These changing circumstances , which are outside the control of governments either national or local , are often of considerable significance .
27 Another , and most potent force , was the development of new forms of international money and international debt ( summarized by the term Eurodollars ) which are outside the control of any national economy so that the hegemonic power that the US exercised through the international use of its currency was undermined .
28 An extension of time relieves the contractor of liability for liquidated damages for delays up to the new completion date caused by the occurrence of risks which are outside the contractor 's responsibility .
29 It is quite common to insert further provisions prohibiting the offeree group from entering into contracts or commitments involving more than a stated sum or for a longer period than , say , a year , or entering into other transactions which are outside the routine course of trading without the consent of the acquirer .
30 ( 2 ) Committees of the whole House , which are as the name suggest .
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