Example sentences of "which be [verb] by an " in BNC.

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1 Many birds , on the other hand , hear as separate sounds noises which are separated by an interval of two microseconds or less .
2 An excellent method is to use one of the sponge filters which are operated by an air pump and can easily be regulated — plus the fry can graze upon the minute particles of food and organisms which colonise the sponge .
3 ‘ Does article 5(1) of the [ Brussels ] Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members in a matter relating to obligations in regard to the payment of a sum of money and which have their basis in the relationship between the parties by virtue of membership , such relationship arising from the defendant party 's joining the association as a member by virtue of a legal transaction entered into for that purpose ?
4 Angiogenesis-inhibitors may one day also help treat diseases such as rheumatism , psoriasis and diseases of the eye , which are characterised by an invasion of tissues by blood vessels
5 At Debenham there are two small buildings which are joined by an under-cover way .
6 the Test Manager will refer problems encountered during system testing of a sub-system which are caused by an error in another sub-system
7 It does n't matter whether a sign causes what it signifies , or is caused by it , or whether both are caused by something else ( like thunder and lightning , either of which might be a sign of the other and both of which are caused by an electrical discharge ) .
8 After bowel resection , crypt cell proliferative activity increases , resulting in increased functional enterocyte numbers , which are accommodated by an increase of villus height .
9 The Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) records in schools throughout its area for this purpose ; the BBC 's Open University Production Centre has recently produced a series for the training of adult education tutors following this approach ; the British Council is experimenting with edited lessons which are accompanied by an extensive index to help trainers put together their own selection of classroom examples .
10 Unlike the dispersals of the teacher-training college libraries , which are surrounded by an emotional and controversial aura , those from the older Universities are frequently discussed and the causes and problems are widely realised .
11 Thus there are in the cytoplasm many different kinds of tRNA molecule , each kind being characterized by two ‘ labels ’ : at one end is the anticodon ( which pairs with a codon in the message ) , and at the other end an attachment site for an amino acid ( which is recognized by an enzyme carrying that particular amino acid ) .
12 Well I must admit I 'm gon na have to present a finance report which is received by an overture .
13 A recognized stock exchange is defined in s.16(1) CSA 1985 , as amended by the FSA 1986 , as The Stock Exchange and any other investment exchange which is declared by an order of the Secretary of State to be a recognized stock exchange for the purposes of the CSA 1985 .
14 Mengistu is general secretary of the party , which is governed by an 11-member political bureau .
15 The secularist looking on will see the act of his taking the flowers to her grave as symbolic , in the sense of a way of expressing his grief , which is rewarded by an imaginary visit from her .
16 Sales promotion is sometimes called ‘ below-the-line advertising ’ in contrast with above-the-line expenditure which is handled by an external advertising agency .
17 Law 8 , Advantage states ‘ The referee shall not whistle for an infringement during play which is followed by an advantage gained by the offending team … a mere opportunity to gain advantage is not sufficient ’ .
18 For example , someone can have a specific doubt about God which is caused by an unnecessary lack of understanding .
19 The following procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Test Manager for each problem encountered during system testing of a sub-system which is caused by an error within that sub-system .
20 It requires newspapers who wish to publish stories about a matter some aspect of which is affected by an injunction against another publication to apply to the court for guidance on whether their story trespasses upon the order in existence — a procedure calculated to give High Court judges a good deal of experience in editing newspapers .
21 A chargeable transfer is a transfer of value which is made by an individual and which is not an exempt transfer ( an exempt transfer would be , for example , a transfer to a spouse which comes within IHA 1984 , s18 or a transfer which comes within the annual exemption of £3,000 contained in s19 of that Act ) .
22 which is made by an individual , 2. on or after 18 March 1986 , 3. which would otherwise be a chargeable transfer , and 4. comprises a gift made to : ( a ) another individual , or ( b ) an accumulation and maintenance trust , or ( c ) a disabled persons trust ( IHTA 1984 , s3A ) .
23 Over 250 Mb of storage are required for the database , which is accessed by an ARC/INFO geographical information system running on a DEC VAX 11/750 computer .
24 It nestles cosily around the Aare , which is crossed by an old wooden bridge that immediately reminds you of its bigger brother in Lucerne .
25 Passing under the main A.52 , which is supported by an old brick bridge , one comes to Wainfleet 's major landmark and one of its greatest claims to fame — the old brick-tower windmill .
26 In particular , the low pepsinogen A concentration and pepsinogen A:C ratio in two of the patients , may point to atrophic gastritis , which is supported by an increased gastrin concentration in one of them .
27 It seems at first quite astonishing to learn that neither the inventory in Jacques 's marriage contract nor that made after death provides any evidence that he was a flute-player or maker ; they seem to contradict the generally held view that he was a maker - a view which is supported by an entry in von Uffenbach 's diary which records a visit he paid Jacques in 1715 : ‘ He [ Jacques ] led me into a tidy room and showed me there many beautiful transverse flutes that he himself makes and from which he wishes to gain special profit . ’
28 The text of each chapter is split into sections averaging less than a page , each of which is introduced by an imaginative , succinct heading .
29 ‘ Business crime is an illegal act , punishable by a criminal sanction , which is committed by an individual or a corporation in the course of a legitimate occupation or pursuit in the industrial or commercial sector for the purpose of obtaining money or property , avoiding the payment of money or the loss of property , or obtaining business or personal advantage . ’
30 Few of the British contenders would figure on the US list , which is topped by an entrepreneur with a fortune of more than £250 million .
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