Example sentences of "which be [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The principal schemes , which are in the United Kingdom and described below , are funded and are of the defined benefits type covering approximately 440 employees [ 1991 520 ] .
2 The settlement er in all probability as we established yesterday morning , could not go within those few fields which are in the Greater York area and not in the greenbelt .
3 I think the ones that made me most were those which were very influenced by Picasso , which are in the Tate Gallery .
4 The participating companies , nine of which are from the United States , include AB Astra , Boehringer Ingelheim , Bristol-Myers Squibb , Burroughs Welcome , Du Pont-Merck , Eli Lilly , Glaxo , Hoechst AG , Hoffman-La Roche , Merck , Miles , Pfizer , Sigma Tau , SmithKline Beecham and Syntex .
5 He pointed out that his country had ‘ liquidated the military bases which were in the Mediterranean Sea and … forbidden the entry of Soviet naval ships into its harbours ’ .
6 Arrangements are being made for the annual dinner for the institute which is at the Stanwick Arms , in Aldbrough St John on April 29 .
7 They stressed , however , that there had been no radiation leak at the plant , which is of the Chernobyl type .
8 After a sticky start , the interdisciplinary research centre at Cambridge — which is outside the NCS system — was given a clean bill of health by its SERC review .
9 It was preceded by a 25 minute work by Darshan Singh Bhuller called Ace of Spades which is about the Vietnam war , no less .
10 She said a picture of Gunnergate Hall in Marton was claimed to be of Grey Towers , which is on the Poole Hospital site in Nunthorpe .
11 And erm the effect though of holding beach material on one part of the beach is of course that it starves the area which is along the Sussex Channel coast to the east of beach material that it would formerly have received .
12 The coastal province of Friesland , which is in the Netherlands , was the main cradle for the Dutch black-and-whites , along with the provinces of North Holland and South Holland on the opposite shores of the Zuider Zee .
13 The original Tempa Rossa-1 discovery well , which is in the Laurenzana permit , was drilled by Fina in 1989 but could not be properly tested at that time due to technical problems .
14 ‘ Because he is also searching for the Presley hoard which is in the Volvo . ’
15 The Park is objecting because the land , which is within the Malham Arncliffe SSSI , is unimproved pasture with herb-rich flushes , including birds-eye primrose , devils-bit scabious and Black bog-rush .
16 Having been lucky with the only real audition I did which was for the RSC , I ca n't really complain about it .
17 Upper deck seating was arranged two and two , except that there was a single seat beside the trolley mast , which was of the Brecknell , Munro & Rogers ‘ B1 ’ type , and slightly offset towards one side .
18 Also a good pointer where we 've been able to compare ourselves with civil engineering scaled fees , which was on the Overtown Bank Slip which was a job which went completely right , perfect no problems .
19 That 's how we did our first album which was on the Decca label called ‘ David Bowie' .
20 Patients sent to the lunatic asylum , which was off the Ampthill Road , were charged at a weekly rate to the directors according to the numbers ; in 1818 for example , the cost was £18.12s. , but two years later , £78 .
21 Right , as I 'm walking past this great big long queue which was outside the G-Mex Centre , I see a chum of mine , and I say , hello Bill , what are you doing here ?
22 The deal , which was above the April 1992 annualized inflation rate of 4.6 per cent , was described as a " political victory " by Monika Wulf-Mathies , leader of the largest public-sector union involved , the ÖTV .
23 They drove at once to Baird 's home which was in the Dundonald suburb of Belfast .
24 And then after that erm I did er an eight day trek erm which was in the Anapurna region of the Himalayas and that again was sleeping in tents and we had sherpas , porters , to carry all our luggage apart from things like water that we carried in our day sacks and they carried four bags each on their backs and my bag weighed about thirty pounds .
25 Commander David Carlson of the US frigate John H. Sides , which was in the Gulf at the same time as the Vincennes , wrote in the September issue of the US Naval Institute journal Proceedings that the airbus was shot down " for no good reason " and referred to " pathetic post-incident attempts to place the blame [ for the incident ] on the victims " .
26 However , it appears that the plentiful supplies of sugar were not wholly unwelcome to Soviet leaders , who were still pursuing the consumption drive which was behind the February 1960 agreement .
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