Example sentences of "which be [verb] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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2 That said , any which are operating subsidiaries in the US might care to note that , for all the strictness of securities laws over there , a survey in 1990 found that more than 60 per cent of claims come from sources other than shareholders .
3 For one motive that drives men to commit a real crime there are a thousand that drives them to commit those indifferent acts which are called crimes by bad laws ; and if the probability of crimes is proportionate to the number of motives , to enlarge the sphere of crimes is to increase the probability of their being committed ( p. 94 ) .
4 Could I just conclude Moderator by saying that those who are engaged in ACTS the churches which are participating members of this action of churches together in Scotland are engaged in a journey together .
5 The United Nations Development Programme , the World Medical Association , and the Council of Europe are other examples of transnational organisations which are providing guidelines for controlling the spread of AIDS and offering strategies for collaboration in caring for people who are infected .
6 Among its prominent features , Moneo 's centre boasts an auditorium in which are planned concerts of composers such as Eric Satie , Stockhausen , John Cage and other friends or admirers of Miró , a large reference library , a waterpool and fountain , two external murals based upon the artist 's designs and four sharply angled rooms , excavated from a space loosely designed like a star , in which the foundation 's permanent collection of works by Miró will be rotated .
7 This comprises , quite simply , one or more pieces of paper on which are typed details of forthcoming gigs , record releases or just general bits of news and information relating to individual artists .
8 In the future , consultancies which are established specialists in one kind of public relations service may well emerge as the most profitable of operations , just as financial PR has proven the money spinning PR speciality of the 1980s .
9 Working on the basis that there is a finite number of hill walkers , and I believe that to be the case , then spreading the load will only have a good effect on the more popular hills — some of which are showing signs of over-use .
10 For overseas businesses registered in other EC member states which are making supplies in the UK , the simplification option allows them to avoid UK VAT registration , but requires the UK customer to account for VAT due on the supply .
11 Teacher training colleges which are to train teachers in these subjects will also require funds for equipment .
12 This supposed boundary of the Pacific plate almost exactly parallels what was once called the Andesite Line : a zone surrounding the Pacific , on the outer edge of which are found rocks of an andesitic — acid — variety , and within which nearly all the rocks are of a more basic kind , using the word in its chemical sense .
13 There is therefore a steady approach to a new equilibrium , with and which are decreasing functions of the tax rate ( increasing functions of T e ) The coefficient of variation of lifetime consumption is given by ( with ) : It is clear that the tax reduces the coefficient of variation of lifetime consumption .
14 States of ‘ socialist orientation ’ , in the Soviet view , were those that were carrying out major social transformations such as the nationalisation of foreign monopolies , redistribution of land and industrialisation , and which were taking steps to further public education and to reduce poverty and unemployment .
15 or you 've got ta try and stop it , or you 've got ta get in there and and sort of organize it , take it on your shoulders , and I think this , this is a recognition that erm changes were taking place which were taking peasants beyond the straight moderate programme .
16 This is the first statement of a theme , the fluted skirt broken by one knee , variations on which were to engage sculptors throughout the classical age ( cf. figs. 80 , 124 , 142 , 159 , 161 , 162 , 190 , 202 ) .
17 There 's one final thing , and that is on page fifteen at the bottom , it 's a list of organisations which were given permits for St Michael the Northgate .
18 In response to these complexities , the original notion of the sociolinguistic variable with variants which were assigned values along a single phonetic dimension was considerably modified .
19 The first and most obvious targets for this new spirit were the religious houses , estimated to own a sixth of the land in England , which were losing vocations as the sterility of many of their practices became increasingly apparent .
20 Finally , there are the prophecies of Alexander 's imminent death which were circulating weeks before his death .
21 It was really wider economic and sociological factors which were expunging memories of the ‘ winter of discontent ’ and uncontrolled union power , rather than the policies of the Thatcher government , which in this early period were broadly non-confrontational .
22 Nevertheless , the republican parliament was barricaded after the Vilnius killings , and tensions rose in the capital , Tallinn , after two bombs exploded on Jan. 21 at factories which were considered centres of Russian worker resistance to the nationalist government .
23 When man himself started to make decisions which were to become contributions to the substance of the Created God , there arose individuals who could not accept the decisions which were designated ‘ good ’ by the majority , and who therefore started moving towards behaviour which was specifically harmful to others .
24 Here were the two developments , the use of the longbow and the adaptation of the traditional use of cavalry , which were to bring victories to the English in a number of foreign fields in the coming century or so .
25 But what is also clear is that it is unfair to litigants that they should meet the cost of a second appeal , one of the principal purposes of which is to resolve issues of law of general public importance .
26 Each of the three hypotheses making up the theory of determinism to be expounded in the first part of this book has to do with mental events , which is to say events within consciousness .
27 This excludes a relationship of " before " to " after " between the helping and the event which is realized thanks to the help , and explains the occurrence of the bare form of the infinitive .
28 Those countries adopt ‘ uniform ’ accounting , the explicit goal of which is to eliminate differences in accounting practice .
29 The point to remember , however , is that these mechanisms occur unconsciously , they 're things the ego does to defend itself from anxiety and from and the result of which is to force things into the unconscious .
30 He was backed by the Foreign Office which is advising visitors to America to follow police advice and not resist muggers .
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