Example sentences of "which be [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since only 39 per cent of India 's population is literate , the government authorises the production of posters and other aids which are mailed to over one million addresses .
2 Since only 39 per cent of India 's population is literate , the government authorises the production of posters and other aids which are mailed to over one million addresses .
3 These superfields are in turn subdivided into smaller subject areas , which are referred to as subdomains .
4 But basic biographical details which are referred to in the letters often receive no mention in the main text .
5 Even these few quotations show that the notion of the ‘ map ’ or ‘ structure ’ of a subject is by no means straightforward , and involves not only the theoretical or conceptual unities which are referred to in the literature on the nature of disciplines ( OECD 1972 ) , but the approach , emphasis and even methods of teaching .
6 Where the court is satisfied that there is an administrative receiver of the company , the court must dismiss the petition unless it is also satisfied as to certain other matters which are referred to in section 9(3) .
7 There are ancillary definitions in clause 1 and in clauses 2–5 which are referred to in the notes .
8 The Title to the property is registered at H.M. Land Registry and is sold with the benefit of the rights granted by , but subject to the exceptions and reservations in respect of the adjoining properties which are referred to in the Property Register of the Title , a copy of which enclose .
9 The purchaser should reject at all costs any attempt by the vendor to disclose any other documents which are referred to in the documents presented with the disclosure letter .
10 Er , my Lord you will see that there are cash flow forecasts which relate to the business er back statements for the plaintiffs er and then there are documents and papers which are referred to in Mr report and finally on the final page of the index there are the principal sources of information for Mr report .
11 On the commercial track there is a new 50MHz and PowerServer 360 and 62.5MHz PowerServer 370 — they can also be configured as workstations — which are priced at from $19,700 — £11,220 — and $25,700 — £18,850 .
12 If it could be shown that , as some holists contend , those individual actions , decisions and choices which are appealed to in explanation , are themselves the causal outcomes of various larger states of social affairs , then individuals would not be of any special interest .
13 Though mercy killing is still officially illegal , the law turns a blind eye to the 2.4 per cent of Dutch deaths which are accounted for by it .
14 National market research organisations such as the British Market Research Bureau and JICNARS ( Joint Industry Committee for National Readership Surveys ) , which are dealt with in a later chapter , code their surveys by ACORN to enable the advertiser to identify titles whose profiles best match his own , and to see what share of this target market that title reaches .
15 These include low cost remedial measures ( AIP ) , Safe Travel to School and speed enforcement which are dealt with in separate sections of this Plan .
16 In this state the polymer exhibits several unique properties which are dealt with in chapter 14 and only a brief description of the chain behaviour in this region is given here .
17 On the ground floor , the extension houses an area for the many periodicals , some of which are paid for by our own library appeal fund .
18 So there has been criticism of the growth of patronage and of the extent to which bodies which are paid for by the taxpayer are not fully accountable to Parliament for their actions .
19 Unlike the courts previously considered , which are presided over by a sole judge , the industrial tribunal is presided over by a legally qualified chairperson and two lay persons ( 'wing men' ) .
20 The British reader , who is likely to have been spared certain of the varieties of suffering which are spoken of in the writings of Kundera and Klima , where a joke , or no joke , or nothing whatever , can sequester you for years from the people you grew up with , is in a position , for all that , to know what Sabina means here .
21 In contrast to this condoned and systematic brutality , rugby 's ‘ image problem ’ , in Mr Lieberman 's analysis , stems from its association with ‘ beer parties ’ , which are frowned upon by the editor of Sports Illustrated , who is dismissive of rugby in a way which I find offensive ( I wonder if he 's aware , for instance , that the US Womens ' team recently won a world title ? ) , and attempting to placate people like him would be buying into a value system which is completely alien to the game .
22 The problem with trying to reduce particulates is that it has a trade-off in higher nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) produced , which are frowned upon in environmental legislation in the U.S. and EC .
23 The molecules that control transcription are themselves proteins which are coded for by other genes .
24 First , there are what may be termed contractual techniques which are arrived at by agreement between the parties .
25 And remember , they are all products of Pakistan 's domestic cricket competitions , which are competed for by the commercial organisations and regional teams which have always been condemned by Imran — who for the last decade had not played domestic cricket in Pakistan .
26 Consequently there was a witch-hunt for any books that could possibly be construed as sexist , racist , colonialist , etc , which were fallen upon with all the fury of a Puritan iconoclast .
27 In the potential risks condition the number given in brackets after the total is the number of those potential risks which were matched by at least one description in the same five second section .
28 So , submits Lord Meston , in this case there was , first on the part of the father , a ‘ right of custody ’ in the context of the extended rights which were referred to by Butler-Sloss L.J .
29 These included : — unrest in Sunderland against a colony of Mormons whose church was attacked with ‘ volleys of stones ’ — an exciting river rescue in South Park , Darlington , where an old man almost drowned — worries in Middlesbrough about dogs running loose and unmuzzled which were referred to in the Commons — the Guardians in Tynemouth were engaged in clearing out the workhouses , putting children in institutions or ‘ scattered homes ’ — a picture hall in Consett was fined for overcrowding ; — the oldest inhabitant of Coundon , Ralph Goundry , had died aged 97 .
30 To make this comparison the analysis was limited to the 29 junctions which were recalled by at least one subject .
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