Example sentences of "which be [verb] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Children 's Bonus Bonds , D issue , will turn £100 into £154.60 over five years and FIRST Option Bonds guarantee 6.5 per cent clear of basic rate tax on sums of £1,000 or more which are left untouched for a year .
2 Here , the aim of the therapeutic intervention is specified in terms of the verbal responses which are considered desirable for a particular child but are as yet not part of the child 's verbal repertoire .
3 A spokesman said : ‘ As the Secretary of State has repeatedly said , he will take account of any recommendations of the Royal Commission [ in England and Wales ] which are deemed appropriate for Scotland .
4 We will do more to bring into use properties owned by central and local government which are standing empty for no good reason .
5 This last short section concerns the fate of large institutional sites in the countryside , principally redundant hospital sites which are becoming available for redevelopment as the result of community care and other policies .
6 While one cuts with the peat iron [ Tarisker ] , the other stands catching the foot-square slabs of wet peat which are thrown flat for the first stage of drying .
7 ‘ Saturday promises to be a great day for the public and will give children a chance to see the cars which were made famous for them through the Back to the Future film . ’
8 Using what would now be called GIS skills , Openshaw ( 1980 ) examined over 13 000 1 km grid squares in the UK which intersect the coastline and related these to data from the 1971 Census ( which were made available for such grid squares ) .
9 It is clear , too , that the exercise of statutory powers ( and the performance of statutory duties ) might be unreviewable in a court if the particular case raised issues , such as matters of national security , which were considered unsuitable for judicial review .
10 Dissatisfied with the quality of many land availability studies , the DoE commissioned Coopers and Lybrand to carry out a study to assess and report on the varying assessments and assumptions about new housing made by the planning authorities and house builders , and to assess the extent to which both the provision in plans and land which is made available for housing takes account of the requirements of the market for new private sector housing' .
11 A product where the dosage must be finely calculated arithmetically from the instruction data provided to arrive at the quantity of product needed required more thought and more decisions than a product dispensed semi-automatically via a dispenser or one which is supplied ready for use .
12 In our consideration of the interview for scientific enquiry we must always remind ourselves that the survey is merely a particular tool for collecting information which is deemed relevant for the testing of a hypothesis which stems from theory .
13 Proposals include ; increased powers which will allow environmental Health Officers to impound food which is deemed unfit for consumption , introduction of ‘ use by ’ rather than ‘ sell by ’ dates on perishable goods , registration of both food-selling premises and flocks of egg-laying hens , the pasteurisation of milk from sheep and goats , an increase in the control of temperatures at which food is stored , and the irradiation of some foods .
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