Example sentences of "all [adv] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
2 By early in the seventeenth century several of the states of Europe — France , England , the Dutch republic , Venice — already had permanent diplomatic representatives more or less securely established in Constantinope ( though the English and Dutch ones at least were for long concerned above all merely with the fostering of their countries ' trade : the former continued to be paid not by the British government but by a group of merchants , the Levant Company , until as late as the 1820s ) .
3 MODEL Lisa Butcher got away from it all yesterday with a mystery man .
4 And though the surprise early closing of the bar peeved more than one punter ( and certainly one reviewer ) , the blasting semi-hardcore rendition of ‘ Bad Motorcycle ’ sent all home with a smile of their lips .
5 And though the surprise early closing of the bar peeved more than one punter ( and certainly one reviewer ) , the blasting semi-hardcore rendition of ‘ Bad Motorcycle ’ sent all home with a smile of their lips .
6 Likewise Durkheim 's thoroughly Jewish God was a commendably sociable figure charged above all else with the maintenance of social order and morality amongst the faithful .
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