Example sentences of "all [adv] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was sick like the pretty lady in the film who went bravely on until she died all alone in her bed rather than compel her beloved family to share her pain .
2 Manville concentrated , putting it all together in his head .
3 5 Confirmation received today from MEMORIES OF YORK ( 13/6 ) all OK for your visit .
4 Call me when you get it all straight in your head , my sweet . ’
5 For the system to work at all smoothly from their point of view , the estimates of inflation built into the Treasury 's cash target for their department must be accurate .
6 When five o'clock came and Jimmy began to tidy his desk , she was not thinking at all kindly about her employer .
7 Colonel Gaddafi , Saddam Hussein , Spitting Image … he takes them all unflappably in his loping , courteous stride .
8 You can be sure that colour predictions for the new season always include the rich and beautiful and brilliant colours of September , those intense rich deep tones which year after year we feel that we must use now , the lovely gold and mustard and chartreuse of apples and pears , the rich reds of berries , the deep purples and wines of plums and blackberries , the intense dark indigo of the Autumn night sky and the deliciously delicate neutrals of misty Autumn days — all there for your delight .
9 Everything that torments me , everything I do n't have and that I long for , that makes me indignant , or sick , or suffocates me , everything that gives me a feeling of light and warmth , and by which I live , and everything that destroys me — it 's all there in your film , I see it as if in a mirror .
10 She turned to her mother , a young woman who was watching her , and did it all again for her benefit .
11 But Finn never seemed to care , taking it all casually in his stride .
12 Jean-Claude 's attempt to re-create his past in music was sentenced to death like all else in his life .
13 Evidently emblematic of Nicholas 's priorities in life is the description of his psaltery , a stringed musical instrument , lying above all else in his chamber — his books , astrolabe and counters .
14 ‘ Was that … was that the hospital ? ’ she asked , a numbing dread about the fate of her cousin suddenly driving all else from her mind .
15 The cart track , enclosed by walls and known locally as Harber Scar Lane , climbs gradually and uneventfully along the side of Harber Scar and then , quite suddenly and unexpectedly , the traveller upon it is confronted by a scene that demands instant attention and dispels all else from his mind .
16 You ca n't stand at the front door and say no you ca n't come in at all apart from its being completely irrational erm the point would be that , because I have an obligation to carry out this work , I have a right to the means to fulfil that obligation .
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