Example sentences of "all [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 First you need a scale floor plan of your workshop drawn out on graph paper marking where all the doors and windows are , and , if they are already fixed , where all the electrical points and outlets are .
2 He had to put archers and javelin-throwers of his own up all the climbable trees before he had them on the run , and lost a dozen men to no purpose .
3 I am always told they you should have a trim every 4–6 weeks to get rid of all the split ends but it seems difficult to grow my hair when it 's constantly being cut .
4 ‘ I speak not only of the Army — although as Colonel Moore knows probably better than I , the acts of heroism you see there in the face of pain — wounds , cuts , torn limbs ’ — he looked at Mrs Crump ; she swayed slightly — ‘ severed arteries , gashed heads ’ — Mrs Moore was unaffected — ‘ and all the terrible lacerations and disfigurements received on the human body in modern warfare ’ — Miss D'Arcy nodded ; she was intrigued — ‘ but I speak of the self-inflicted torments of the Indian , the Negro and the Mussulman . ’
5 All the evolutionary changes or events , however defined in relation to time or magnitude , became locked into the unchangeable process of creation and re-creation .
6 Because it was no use to the farmer , there was no water to be seen there , and I thought I could do it with my own garden tools , and so once I 'd removed all the rough brambles and so on and discovered the periphery of the old pond
7 The head , body and arms move downwards and inwards in all the sad emotions as in the final dance of the Swans in Swan Lake and the opening dance of Requiem .
8 Antiracist orthodoxy now sees them as the only effective repositories of authentic black culture and as a guaranteed means to transmit all the essential skills that black children will need if they are to ‘ survive ’ in a racist society without psychological damage .
9 Using the personal food and drink audit we should be seeking a new balance in our diet that will provide us with all the essential nutrients that our bodies need .
10 Using the personal food and drink audit , Walking Dieters will be provided with all the essential nutrients that they need .
11 The ideal post-operative diet contains all the essential nutrients and is high in protein and vitamins .
12 Ryan 's father was in the music business and he could get all the hot albums before they were released .
13 I must take this opportunity to say a personal thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind support and all the good wishes that I have received during the past six months .
14 The borrowing facility severs the relationship between the two things : it allows the community to have all the good things but in the short run to suffer a much smaller amount of the bad .
15 Thus the expedition is neatly manipulated to include many of the requirements of the national curriculum : ‘ We are very keen to make sure that we do n't lose all the good things that have been going on in schools , ’ she says .
16 He was also expanding his social thought in general considerations on how ‘ the word ‘ civilisation ’ comes to mean more and more : because it means all the things that we have gained , and want to keep and also all the good things that we have lost , and want to regain' .
17 Let's hear about all the good things that young people are doing around our diocese .
18 ‘ It was a way of giving thanks to all the good things that had happened , like the album and the fact that , even though I see Cam every day .
19 Erm but again you see you could , you would , you would n't want to be a person who was only aware of all the good things and the bright things and the light things and the enjoyable things and were never aware of the others .
20 When you first have eye to eye contact everything is new , splendid , you want to do the very best for each other , you want to look your best , you want to tell them all the good things and eventually you get married .
21 It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and all the broken promises …
22 Not all the good ideas that curriculum developers and academics come up with are daft or unrealistic .
23 THIS ALBUM 'S predecessor , ‘ The Psychedelic Years ’ , was possibly the best compilation album ever , in the sense that it contained the best songs by the best bands in its field of reference ; in fact , it seemed to have all the good songs that came out of psychedelia ( It also had The Incredible String Band , but presumably only as a sorbet to clear the palate .
24 First we discard all the subjective labels and comments and replace them with objective descriptions of behaviour ( 3 ) .
25 This tendency toward self-identification seems to be the norm for all the modern multi-processors and I must say I see little point ; if you do n't know what unit it is already …
26 Prepare all the following pieces that you will need :
27 On selling players , I 'm sure he would like to have been able to keep Sheridan , Hendrie , Batty , and Cuntona , as well as keep all the current players and spend smoe millions on defenders .
28 DESPITE all the planetary ups and downs , the loyalty of friends will stand you in good stead .
29 In view of the importance of signalling and telecommunications to the railways , would it not be sensible quietly to contemplate the proposition of an independent inquiry into all the technological changes that are taking place on British Rail signalling ?
30 Despite all the rational discussions that might ideally have been held before taking on tenancies , there 's nearly always one who takes liberties like this .
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