Example sentences of "all [pron] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's bad luck for all them blokes in the other counties what never ‘ ad Sandham and the rest to ‘ elp ‘ em , ’ commented the Van Boy .
2 I hate doing that , drives me up the wall the first bit cos I 've got all them houses in the first bit have n't I ?
3 We stick all my stuff in the suitcase and sort of squash it down so it all fits in .
4 ‘ I could deploy all my agents in the area , root out what is really going on . ’
5 I have lived all my life in the shadow of scandal .
6 Lived all my life in the south of England .
7 I made a point of playing all my players in the first two days .
8 One of my mates went and put all my money in the phone you know to phone Billy .
9 ‘ Even after all my years in the game , I 'm still surprised we lost having played so well . ’
10 In all my years in the Civil Service no one has ever brought a camera into the office and started taking snapshots !
11 ‘ Meaning that I 'll need all my strength in the next few days .
12 I shall use this book for all my examples in the rest of this chapter , because it is a sincere and honest attempt , by a reputable and educated writer , to bring natural theology up to date .
13 Er sorry getting all my digits in the wrong place .
14 They can always try to buy power by bringing in all their friends in the City and big business , the Press and showbiz world but glossy ads wo n't work .
15 But would people really want to spend all their holidays in the same place ?
16 Chamberlain told MacDonald that , in such circumstances , the financial crash would come before Parliament met , and it was therefore his duty to avoid it ; for which purpose the Conservatives ( and Samuel endorsed this for the Liberals ) would give him all their support in the present government or in a " reconstructed " government .
17 For the next couple of days the Shah and Soraya had all their meals in the hotels public rooms .
18 They are putting almost all their eggs in the basket of deterrence , particularly nuclear deterrence .
19 Accordingly , and referring to earlier anxieties about ‘ closed-circuit ’ professional development , we expressed certain reservations about the tendency of LEAs , with government encouragement , to put all their eggs in the basket of school-led INSET .
20 The Lincolnshire ones lost all their sons in the first World War , except one invalid one , and became rather impoverished , and the Norfolk Baileys hung on to a lot of the money .
21 Benny and Eve , who had lived all their lives in the same village , were each amazed at the things the other did n't know about Knockglen .
22 Many rabbits spend all their lives in the same place and never run more than a hundred yards at a stretch .
23 It is strange to relate that this short stretch of water should be such a barrier but the hills of Wouldham and village are as foreign to some people of Halling as any parts of the world and in fact there are some who travel all over the country and to some places abroad , but have lived all their lives in the village without ever setting foot on the further banks of the river .
24 Attempts to contact Australia 400 miles ( over 640km ) to the south were unsuccessful , but the 1 09-set picked up a Dutch broadcast which was translated for the Company by a passing Dutch soldier : it announced the surrender of all their forces in the East Indies .
25 With the gale and hail at his back , Bradford and Bingley 's flyhalf Peter Rutledge scored all their points in the first half , converting his own try and succeeding with four penalty goals .
26 With the gale and hail at his back , Bradford and Bingley 's flyhalf Peter Rutledge scored all their points in the first half , converting his own try and succeeding with four penalty goals .
27 Harrogate scored all their points in the first half with a try by their Yorkshire scrum half , Guy Easterby , from a blind side scrum move , Steve Baker touching down a try following a tap penalty move .
28 This may be seen as very significant today when we consider the way that advertising and women 's magazines continue to portray women as finding all their fulfilment in the home .
29 The DAR must keep all their ammo in the bus , the Sandrat thought .
30 While it is unremarkable to observe that although some people eat three meals a day , and others miss out breakfast and lunch altogether , taking all their food in the evenings , there is no such parallel during sleep — no normal person has been found who , for instance , takes all his or her REM sleep in one session of ninety minutes at the beginning of the night , or saves it all up for a session in the early hours of the morning .
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