Example sentences of "all [verb] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And suddenly the kitchen door — we all lived in the kitchen — burst open , and standing there was my father with the most effulgent smile on his face .
2 The French elaborated a lot of wonderful nonsense in the nineteenth century about the climate pauses of the British character , they said that because we all lived in the fog we were incapable of clear and distinct ideas , a sort of bogus science that you as a scientist would see through more quickly than people like me .
3 The stonemasons almost all lived in the San Giovanni district and most belonged to the Opera del Duomo , as did the mirror makers and enamellers .
4 We all met in the foyer where we were soon joined by Evelyn Laye , ‘ Boo ’ to her intimate friends , who looked wonderful in a navy blue dress , and went round greeting everyone .
5 The festivities started with a parade through the town led by the Houlton Silver Band and as I looked down from the windows of our bed-sitter I could see them all gathering in the street below .
6 It 's all change in the world of compost .
7 It is all change in the world of education again as teachers and pupils prepare for next year 's introduction of a new GCSE grading system .
8 Children all sit in a circle .
9 but when I went in the other week , they all sit in a circle like that , then there 's a space and the teacher stands there and she was telling a story about the independent princess who does n't fall in love with the prince in the end , it was a quite funny story
10 All joined in a final ‘ Hooray ’ .
11 Subsidiarity was designed to operate under forms of government exercising undivided power , and the pretensions and ambitions to exercise this power are already clear for all to see in the plans for European integration .
12 The House does not have to take my word for it , because the action taken to deliver our commitments is there for all to see in the report .
13 The pivotal role of Bonnard in the art of the twentieth century , the role of nature and observation in his work , and the use of traditional themes such as landscape , the nude , the self-portrait , the view from the window and the still life , are all examined in an exhibition at the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen , Dusseldorf ( to 12 April ) .
14 A return to the formal table manners of Victorian times may be the best way to stop us all eating in a hurry .
15 Motor abilities , perceptual skills and increasingly sophisticated forms of cognitive representation are all implicated in the mastery of spoken language .
16 It 's all included in the cost of the ad .
17 If you tire of the beach and the windsurfers , pedalos or sailing dinghies — all included in the price of course — join the games and competitions run all day long back at the Club by the entertainments team .
18 A very comprehensive manual , telephone help line and a full on-screen tutorial are all included in the price of the software .
19 You 'll discover an extensive range of products available at your post office which do n't require stickers , wrapping or stamps — they 're all included in the price .
20 Hundreds of attractions , breathtaking rides and slides including the North 's biggest Corkscrew , Roller Coaster , Thunder Mountain , Flying Carpet , Log Flume — plus the North 's only Dolphin Show , Circus , Cinema 180 and six other international shows — all included in the admission charge ( under 4 's free ) .
21 The street of the storytellers in Peshawar , Pakistan ; a desert island in the Indian Ocean , the magnificent Iguazu Falls in Argentina , the Potala in Tibet and the gigantic statues of Easter Island had , until recently , been seen by few people other than the local population , explorers , archaeologists or anthropologists , yet they are all included in the pages of current travel brochures .
22 All included in the charge . ’
23 Fighting stags , goats , hares , horses and dogs are all depicted in the exhibition created from wire , which she twists and weaves into shape .
24 Statistics show the younger a wife is when she marries , the more likely the chance of it all ending in the divorce courts .
25 When they came near the princess 's tower they saw a great number of people , all walking in the meadows , all searching for the princess 's lost keys .
26 Her muslin dress , her petticoats , chemise and underlinen were all discarded in a trice and there she stood , stark naked but as black and glistening as an African slave-girl .
27 And she clapped her hands together , and suddenly they all rose in the air , man , woman , house , glass flasks , heap of dust , and found themselves out on a cold hillside where stood the original little grey man with Otto the hound .
28 And the worrying thing is it all starts in the margin like it had a through school .
29 When we went to that the interview yesterday it was ever so funny because we 're all sat in a row and this girl next door to me was from Cornwall , and this other girl said , where are you from ?
30 What the utterer commits himself to is all encoded in the language-system .
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